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Song of the Chapter

Wish I was right for you ~ Jens

Quote of the Chapter 

"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person."

― Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

So the next two chapters are going to be about Apollo/ Achilles and Theseus/ Athena  they won't be very long though. I am kind of getting tired of writing this, if you are fan of my Harry potter crossover I put up the second book so go check it out :)


Achilles was sitting in the sand waiting, he leaves for Troy tomorrow and was waiting for his lover to join him. He watched Apollo's chariot dip below the horizon as he smiled knowing his lover will be joining him soon. 

They met a year earlier in the battle of Thessaly, but now after a year of training his cousin Patroclus they were getting ready to ship out. Paris, the prince of Troy kidnapped Helen the wife of Menelaus king of Sparta, brother to the most powerful king of all of Greece ,Agamemnon, who promptly called Greece to war against the Trojans. 

Achilles was contemplating the words of his mother days passed as he struggled with a decision to join the Greeks, Thetis had said. "If you stay in Larissa you will have a wife and kids and those kids will have kids and they will remember you, as time moves your name will fade. But if you go to Troy glory and fame will be yours but you will never come home." 

Suddenly a flash of light appeared beside him as the sun god was sitting on the beach with the legendary demigod. 

"Are you seriously going to Troy?" Apollo asked. 

Achilles slowly nodded. "It is not an easy decision but yes I am going." 

Apollo glared at his lover. "You shouldn't the council is split but the majority of the eldest gods are on Troy's side, myself included since I built those damn walls." Apollo added the last part bitterly. 

Achilles looked at Apollo with a glare. "This is my chance, Apollo. My one chance to be immortal, the gods aren't the only ones that can grant it you know. People will sing my praises till the end of days." 

"I can talk to my father! We can grant you immortality, you can be with me forever." Apollo pleaded. 

"No your father wouldn't do that, if he did than he would have to answer to all humanity. This is what I have to do Apollo and you know it." Achilles said sternly. 

"Well if you are going to fight in Troy we can't continue this." Apollo said shaking with anger and sorrow as his body glowed and he disappeared. 

~Twelve years later~

Achilles was in the main courtyard of Troy he went on a murderous rampage trying to find Briseis his lover for the last twelve years, he was about to pick her up when suddenly and arrow pierced his one vulnerable spot he roared in pain as he looked back and saw the young prince Paris.  He looked past the prince and saw Apollo whispering at him, Paris firing arrows into Achilles body as fast as Achilles was stumbling towards him four arrows pierced his chest as the last one did Apollo said. 

"Maybe I will find you smarter when you reincarnate." Apollo said sadly. "I had to betray you after you did it to me." Apollo pulled back his bow string and fired an arrow so fast Achilles did not see it until it was already embedded in Briseis' heart and with that Achilles found himself on the bank of the Styx.

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