A New Master

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Song of the Chapter

Till Death ~ Fivefold

Quote of the chapter 

"Through Passion, I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through Victory, my chains are broken, the force shall set me free." Sith code from Star Wars. 


Percy Jackson was running, not because he was being chased but simply because he found it amusing. He wanted to be the strongest demigod even though he was dead, it has been one hundred and fifty years since his death and his powers and skill were at an all time high. It had seemed like he couldn't get any more powerful but he wanted more, he ran and ran him being dead he didn't have to worry about stamina or anything else health wise. 

He ran until he hit an old rock wall he looked at it confused till he felt a presence he lifted his fists preparing for a fight but Thanatos appeared looking at the demigod in pity; not imagining this life for the legendary son of Poseidon. 

"What are you doing here Thanatos?" Percy asked relaxing a bit, his face in a frown. 

"I came to check on my favourite demigod, Lord Hades and Lord Nico have been worried about you." Thanatos responded. 

Percy scoffed as he turned to walk away. "I am fine, can't get much worse huh?" 

"It could, this is not the life I imagined for you." Thanatos said. 

"Well goes to show what gods know." Percy called back before he glanced at the wall, his curiosity outweighing his irritation with the god of death, he stopped in his tracks. "What is that wall blocking out?" 

Thanatos sighed, he knew this was going to be trouble. "It leads to the fields of punishment and Asphodel." 

"Can I go through the wall? I mean I am dead." Percy asked. 

"You could, no one has ever attempted it before. But before you do I must warn you, you might not go back to the luxurious life of Elysium." Thanatos  warned. 

"I will take my chances." Percy said as he walked through the wall and into the fields of punishment, he saw quite a few figures from the myths but than he felt it raw power coursing by the edge of the fields. He wandered over in curiosity, a red and black orb was swirling as if waiting for him. 

"Hello?" Percy called out.

"Perseus Jackson, I have been waiting for you." The ball said in a gravely voice. 

"Who are you?" Percy asked. 

"I am Tartarus, and I have been waiting for you demigod." Tartarus said in a tone Percy wasn't sure was threatening or not. 

"Well if you want to kill me, some asshole already beat you to it." Percy shrugged. 

Tartarus chuckled. "Kill you? No I do not want to kill you son of Poseidon. I want to train you, you want more do you not? More power, more skill. To increase your already legendary skill in the art of war? You must realise that you are different from any other demigod since the days of Heracles, Theseus, Perseus and Achilles." 

Percy nodded slowly. "You are right I do want more. I need to be better, will you help me?" 

"I will demigod, but there is one condition." Tartarus warned. 

"Of course there is." Percy sighed. 

Tartarus chuckled. "Nothing like that demigod, you just have to hold on to your anger and hate, I can feel it roll off you. It makes you stronger, more powerful." 

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