Uncovering Some Plans

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Quote of the Chapter

"Hatred would have been easier. With hatred, I would have known what to do. Hatred is clear, metallic, one-handed, unwavering; unlike love."

― Margaret Atwood, Cat's Eye

Song of the Chapter

Warrior~ Beth Crowley 


They arrived quickly, the three quickly dismounted and pulled their weapons out as they crept through a maze that was the warehouse, the only light came from the unearthly weapons they held as they ventured deeper into the dark warehouse. Until they finally got into an open area, where the lights were suddenly turned on, the immortals blinked to focus their eyes on the sudden change of light only to find out they were surrounded by Mahkai, the heard the bone chilling sound of laughter.

"Always so predictable Perseus Jackson." A man mocked.

"It is Percy, Phthonos." Percy rolled his eyes before continuing. "I also brought back up this time."

The god smiled sadistically . "So did I."

A roar shook the building as the Chimera walked out and blew flames before roaring in defiance towards the the immortal demigods. Percy paled, as did the other two.

"So who will be the first to die by the Chimera?" Phthonos roared. 

"Fuck that, let's attack together." Percy said as he withdrew Riptide as his comrades took out their weapons about to step forward until they felt the cold metal of a sword on their necks making them pause.

"Tsk, tsk. One at a time, I am witnessing history right now." Phthonos said smugly. "The death of the three legendary heroes, again." 

Percy muttered something that no one heard. Phthonos mockingly cupped his hand over his ear. "What was that son of Poseidon? Your final words?" 

Percy gazed into the gods eyes defiantly and snarled. "No, I said. A man must feel the temptation to spit on his hands, raise the black flag and slit throats, that is what I am going to do to you, you arrogant fucking maniac." With that Percy charged towards the mighty beast Chimera, it looked at Percy like was crazy and blew it's hot fire at Percy engulfing the young immortal demigod.

"Percy!" Theseus and Achilles screamed in grief. Phthonos laughed in glee, but as the fire dissipated stood Percy crouched behind his shield. The son of Poseidon stood up, and stared at the Chimera calmly. The monster took a step back in awe, before snarling and charging towards him. Percy lunged smashing his shield into the Chimera's lion snout. The beast recoiled and roared in pain as a tooth fell out of it's mouth. 

The snake tail came around the beast lighting fast fangs barred and sunk it's venomous teeth into Percy's calf or so it thought as it too took a face full of shield before being decapitated before it could react. The Chimera roared in agony as it's tail shot out acidic venom that landed on the two Mahkai as the recoiled Theseus and Achilles took the advantage and cut them down before they could move, four more jumped down to intercept the two immortal legends. 

They nodded at each other before charging forward and and fighting for their lives. Meanwhile Percy dodged one of the Chimera's attack and shoving his shield in the Chimera's gaping mouth before running and sliding baseball sliding slashing his sword upward catching the beast in the chest and cutting through the all the way to it's stomach. The monster stutter stepped and fell on it's side and with a last attempt to breath it dissolved into golden dust, Percy went to retrieve his shield. But was kicked hard in the chest sending him hard into the wall. Percy gasped in pain his ribs were broken, but before he could move he was grabbed roughly by the neck and yanked upwards his eyes meeting Phthonos's. 

"You will meet your end here demigod. I hope Tartarus finishes you for good, immortal scum." Phthonos snarled. Percy was losing air fast, black spots danced in his vision he reached down for his dagger and went to stab Phthonos in the neck but the god was fast he caught Percy's hand and broke his wrist. Percy let out a muffled scream. 

"So ends Perseus Jackson, failure of Olympus." Phthonos mocked. 

Percy kicked hard, hitting Phthonos in the manhood making him drop Percy who took a ragged breath and coughing before grabbing his fallen dagger and he punched Phthonos in the face hard. Making Percy scream in agony as his broken hand spiked with pain, wasn't the smartest choice to punch some one in the face with a broken hand. 

Percy crawled over Phthonos and put the dagger to his throat. "Who is your master?" 

Phthonos looked up in fear before smiling, than laughing. "I will never tell you demigod. I would rather face thousands of you than him. Do your worst I will never tell you anything, the Titans are rising and the gods rule is at an end." 

"So be it." Percy said as he cut the gods throat swiftly, the god dissolved and Percy fell over holding his broken hand on his broken chest.

He received a light kick to his leg, Percy cracked on of his eyes open as he looked at the two people that became like family to him. 

"Come on Percy, we got work to do." Theseus said holding his hand out. With his good hand Percy grabbed it as Theseus pulled him up and Achilles handed him some ambrosia and nectar. 

Percy ate and drank some and felt way better as he felt his bones slowly mending, it would take another day or two for them to completely heal. 

"That was incredible Percy, I never thought I would see that in my life." Theseus said in awe. 

Percy smiled before it disappeared. "We have to go to California, Phthonos said the Titans were rising that is where we will find more answers." 

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