Olympus Rejoices?

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Song of the Chapter 

Heroes ~ Zayde Wolf 

Quote of the Chapter

"The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and they day you find out why." ~ Mark Twain


Gasps flew around the throne room as the heroes were unmasked, Poseidon stared at his two dead sons, mixture of surprise and guilt. Every one watched as the god of the seas slowly get out of his throne as he walked towards his youngest son, tears slipped from the gods eyes as he continued to look at his son. Before Percy rushed towards his father hugging him tightly, the god returned the embrace, sobbing quietly as the one thing he held the most dear has returned. 

"Percy I am so sorry." Poseidon whispered. 

"There is nothing to be sorry about dad, I died defending my family. I have no regrets and neither should you." Percy responded. Meanwhile Athena and Apollo were looking at their lost loves nervously, until Athena gathered the courage to confront the once king of Athens. 

"Theseus-" Athena started as she walked toward the son of Poseidon. 

"Oh no you don't. You will stay away from him." Perseus growled stepping out of his fathers embrace. 

Athena eye's narrowed at her daughters old boyfriend dangerously. "I am apologizing." 

"I don't care, you will stay away from my brother. He doesn't need you anymore." Percy spat, before looking at Apollo. "Same with you sun god." 

Both gods weapons appeared in their hands, their anger out weighing their logical minds, Percy raised his fists. Before a sword appeared in his hands, his eyes caught the one of a smiling Ares, leaning forward in his throne with a look of anticipation on his face. 

Percy twirled the blade in his hands experimentally before waving on the goddess of Wisdom. 

Athena took a quick step forward as did Percy, before a shadow wrapped around both goddess and demigod and pulling them apart. 

Zeus nodded towards Hades in thanks, before his face contorted in anger. "Enough all three of you. You heard him Athena and Apollo, you will stay away from them until their quest is over. The three will be sent to Camp Half-blood, they will train the demigods there until this war and such start." 

"Yes father." Apollo and Athena said through clenched teeth, as they shot Percy a glare as he matched them with one of his own. 

"Alright, that is settled you three go to the camp. We shall summon you weekly for reports." Zeus said to the three immortal demigods.

Two of them bowed and left after Theseus gave Poseidon an awkward hug, they stopped when they realised Percy wasn't following them. 

Percy was still in the shadow hand being held. 

Percy looked at Hades. "Uncle, I have to go can you let me go now please?" 

"Right, yep go on." Hades said embarrassed as he withdrew the shadows from Athena and Percy, the second Percy's feet touched the ground a spear point was at his throat. Before any god could intervene Percy grabbed the spear yanked hard and cloths lined the goddess making her crash to the ground. Percy put the spear point to her throat. 

"You are beaten yield. Or Annabeth can be the new strategist for the war." Percy snarled. 

Athena looked at the demigod warily but nodded slowly, Percy withdrew the spear and threw it across the throne room, before walking out without looking back. 

"Bad ass." Hermes muttered before the council all flashed out, except Artemis. She decided it was best to take a walk around Olympus and process this new threat. 

Until she ran into the one minor goddess of heartbreak and creativity, Annabeth Chase. 

"Is it true?" Annabeth asked. 

Artemis raised an eyebrow in question.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You know what I am talking about Artemis. Is Percy back?" 

Artemis pondered the question and how best to answer it before slowly nodding. "Yes, he is but I would recommend staying away from him." 

"What? Why?" Annabeth demanded. 

Artemis glared at the young goddess. "He is filled with hate and anger, he is not the Percy Jackson you remember. He almost killed your mother not twenty minutes ago because she tried talking to Theseus." 

"OK well I will give him some time than." Annabeth said, her face  crestfallen. 

"It will be OK, Annabeth just give him time." Artemis said. 

"It has been two hundred years Artemis. How much time does he need?" Annabeth asked as a tear leaked out of her eye. "You know I wasn't even at camp when he found that imposter kissing that son of Apollo, I was at San Fransisco. Chiron Iris messaged me about Percy's death, I barely made it in time!" 

"I know Annabeth, I know." Artemis said sadly as she gave the crying goddess a hug as the tears kept coming.


Percy, Achilles and Theseus appeared at the hill of camp half-blood, Percy held his hand out to Peleus cautiously not sure if the dragon would remember him or not. 

"Percy what in the gods name are you doing? That is a monster." Theseus whisper yelled. 

"He is a good monster, he protects the Golden Fleece. There is a barrier around camp, it doesn't let any of the monsters in and only demigods." Percy explained. The dragon sniffed Percy's outstretched hand, before it started to purr as it started licking Percy's hands and face.

"Well that is a new one for me." Theseus admitted. 

"What is?" Achilles asked as Percy and Peleus started to play wrestle. 

"Dragons's purring." Theseus responded. 

A new voice interrupted. "Who are you?" Theseus and Achilles whirled around to see three people, one was dressed in all black male, the other blond haired male and a choppy haired lady. 

Before they could respond Percy called out. "Piper, Jason, Nico. Stop trying to fight everyone, we are here to help." 

"Percy?" The three asked. 

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