The Betrayal

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Quote of the Chapter

"The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend."

― Heather Brewer, Ninth Grade Slays

Song of the Chapter

Hold on ~ Chord overstreet


Annabeth and Athena watched in horror as the three legendary heroes were captured by the Titan forces. They turned to each others but before they could say anything a new voice did. 

"I will send my hunters, call a meeting and we will decide what we can do." Artemis said, the daughter mother combo just nodded numbly as Artemis flashed out to transport the hunters to Mount Othrys. 

Athena and Annabeth flashed into the throne room where Zeus was sitting on his throne seemingly deep in thought. 

"Father call an emergency meeting, the heroes of the Sea have been captured." Athena said firmly. Zeus's eyes widened in shock and horror, his master bolt appearing in his hand as he threw it into the sky sending a boom that could be heard to mythological beings around the world and in the underworld. 

One by one the gods appeared looking at Zeus questioningly but he pointed to Athena who stood from her throne. 

"The resurrected heroes have been captured we must mount a rescue mission." 

"Why? They are immortal. Let them die they will be back in ten years or so." Ares said bored as he was examining the tip of his knife, until a gold arrow knocked it out of his hand. 

Ares looked at Apollo incredulously but couldn't speak as Apollo started. 

"Perseus Jackson has done more for Olympus than you have, many gods owe him favours. I for one will not leave him standing alone." 

Ares snorted in amusement. "Please, you couldn't care less about Jackson. You just want to get pounded out by the son of Thetis again." 

Apollo grew red out of embarrassment or rage no one was sure until Zeus roared. 

"Enough you two, both of you have a point. We can't leave Jackson alone, but what do you suggest we do?" 

"We have the hunters of Artemis on route to Orthys right now but they wouldn't stand a chance against the Titan's stationed there." 

The council fell quite until Annabeth spoke up. 

"Well if there is Titans they are immortals that cannot fight demigods without permission but they can engage gods. I will go and distract the Titans with Artemis while the hunters free the immortal demigods." 

Zeus pondered this idea before he could say anything how ever Apollo and Athena said at the same time. 

"I am going to!" 

Athena carried on. "Four against three are good enough odds father, please." 

Zeus looked at his daughter and son before nodding once the three immortals flashing from Olympus. 


Achilles and Theseus sat in their cell across from each other. 

"You think he is OK?" Theseus asked. 

"It's Percy, he is probably mouthing off Kronos and spitting blood into the fuckers eyes." Achilles scoffed. 

Theseus chuckled a bit before the cyclops guarding their prison turned into gold powder. 

"What the-" Achilles started before four girls in silver parka's entered the room. 

One took a knife and sliced the lock off. 

"Come on we are here to rescue you boys." The one said as she put her knife back in her belt before turning to another girl with black spiky hair with a silver tiara in her hair. 

"Happy Thalia?" 

Thalia stared at the sons of the sea ignoring her second in command. "Where is the other?" 

"Gone, Kronos took him." Theseus responded well aware of whom he was talking to. 

Thalia paled a bit before her expression turned serious, a bright light blinded them all the sudden when they all regained their eye sight three immortals stood before them. 




Three names came out of three separate mouths all with the same tone, bitterness.  

Thalia hasn't talked to the new goddess since Percy's death, Thalia blaming the death of her favoured cousin on his ex completely. 

"What are you doing here?" Thalia asked. 

"We are here to help, Thals. I wasn't at camp, there was an impostor. I swear on the Styx." Annabeth said, thunder boomed over head when Annabeth didn't disintegrate Thalia embraced her. 

"I am so sorry." 

"So you are Annabeth?" Achilles asked. "You are the girl who was Percy's mortal point years ago? The one who betrayed him." 

Annabeth blushed and nodded. "But I didn't I was five blocks from here when he was killed, some one cloned me or something I don't know but the campers all believed it was me." 

But some one with the same voice said. "But you did betray him, or rather I guess I did."

Everyone turned and gasped. Annabeth Chase was standing beside them yet on the other side of the hall except dressed in black and red armour. 

"Who are you?" Annabeth asked coldly as a drakon bone sword appeared in her hand. 

The other Annabeth sneered as the same sword appeared in hers. "I am who or I pretended any way, I am the daughter of Tartarus. I was tasked by my father to kill Percy Jackson by breaking his pathetic heart first." 


"Is it prepared, Aether?" Tartarus asked as he stared in a mirror, Percy Jackson's face looking back at him but instead of the normal sea green eyes pure red took their place. 

"Yes brother, when will I see Hemera? The world cannot survive without the day." Aether responded. 

"He is right." A new male voice said loudly forcing the two primordial to look in the direction of the new comer. 

Tartarus smiled evilly. "At last Poseidon you have arrived. I need the blood of a god to drink to make sure this is my new permanent mortal side body. Having you makes sure Percy would't dare try to come back." 

Poseidon straightened out pointing his Trident at the primordial  of the pit. 

"Percy will fight, my child is a warrior. The finest the world has ever known. Now fight me and let me prove how right I am." Poseidon roared. 

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