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Quote of the Chapter 

"Whoever said that loss gets easier with time was a liar. Here's what really happens: The spaces between the times you miss them grow longer. Then, when you do remember to miss them again, it's still with a stabbing pain to the heart. And you have guilt. Guilt because it's been too long since you missed them last."

― Kristin O'Donnell Tubb, The 13th Sign

Song of the Chapter

You said you would grow old with me ~ Michael Schulte 

Huge cliff hanger last chapter eh? Sucks I guess you are gonna have to wait another chapter cue Evil laughter. 


200 Years ago

Annabeth Chase has been sitting at her desk for the last two days, she was tracing a design for the tribute statue's for the Titan war, until a pillow struck her in the back of the head, making her mis-trace the line.

"What the Hades?" Annabeth shrieked. 

"Annabeth go to bed, it is three a.m." One of her siblings muttered groggily as the blond hair she was ever familiar with turn towards the wall to have at least a little darkness in their cabin so they could sleep. 

Annabeth bit her tongue, unhappy with her sibling but she sighed as her anger receded as she realised her sibling was correct. She put herself into her work the second the love of her life left for a quest for her mother, Athena. Athena told the two they were not allowed to talk during Percy's quest as it would only distract the legendary son of Poseidon, which irritated Annabeth to no extent as the young demigoddess just spent the last eight months looking for her idiotic but handsome boyfriend only to find he had no memories except of her. Once she did find the son of Poseidon they spent close to two weeks together before spending how long in the deepest part of hell, Tartarus for gods know how long where they fought tooth and nail to get out of that hell to be thrust back into a battle. 

She stifled a yawn as she clicked off her night light and rolled into bed and quickly fell asleep where she saw Percy fighting for his life against some Hellhounds almost the size of Mrs. O'Leary, Percy's faithful Hellhound companion. One lunged at him but to no avail as the demigod son of Poseidon rolled at the last second the hellhounds claws catching nothing but air it looked confused before a glowing bronze sword pierced it's neck. Annabeth gasped in delight as she read the inscription Anaklusmos Percy's trusty sword, the hellhound didn't have anytime to whimper as it dissolved into golden dust. It's partner howled in outrage as it tackled Percy, but before Annabeth had a chance to scream Percy put his foot on the monstrous being's chest as he kicked it back before jumping back up. Demigod and monster charged at each other, this would be the last charge Annabeth realised as both monster and demigod were flat out exhausted. 

This was just a battle of wills at this point, the Hellhound was panting heavily and Percy was sweating profusely his orange camp Half-blood shirt soaked clinging to his skin leaving hardly anything to the imagination to the young half-bloods upper body but Annabeth knew already the eight pack that was her boyfriends stomach. The man she loved was absolutely shredded from all of the physical training he has done cause she had done the same. 

The Hellhound jumped as Percy his sword coming down faster than a bolt from Zeus's masterbolt, decapitating the monster in a swift motion. As it dissolved Percy fell on his butt, he was panting hard, his body was quaking involuntarily as the sheer exhaustion was taking a toll on him. Before he fell back and started to snore, leaving Annabeth to smile in delight as her dream shifted to the end of the Titan war and the good times she had with Percy, her physical form fell into a deeper sleep with a huge smile on her face. 

Annabeth rose from her bed and the sun was already placed at high noon, she woke up in a panic as she had duties to perform but before she could rise out of bed two strong hands kept her from rising fully as she looked in the same eyes as her. Her brother Malcolm looked at her disappointed. 

"You overslept... Again. Don't worry we all made it for breakfast and training we tried to wake you but you are to stubborn. Maybe you need a vacation sis, Percy is gone for another month. Go visit your siblings and your dad maybe? I already talked to mom and she agrees you have been working to hard. Chiron and I got you a flight to San Francisco you leave in five hours you cannot argue." Malcolm added the last part noticing Annabeth opened her mouth to argue but snapped it shut as she nodded and Malcolm let her out of bed to start packing. 


It has been almost a month since Annabeth has been in California monsters have hardly visted her as her and her two brothers have been surfing and playing everyday until this one particular day, as she was having dinner with her family as she had been doing every day an iris message appeared and it was Chiron who was looking upset. 

"Chiron! What is wrong?" Annabeth asked her long time mentor wearily scared of another prophecy. 

"Annabeth, it is Percy." Chiron said softly. 

"What about him? Is he back?" Annabeth asked gleefully. "I will have to get my plane tickets sorted for tomorrow than." Annabeth continued enthusiastically. 

"Stop child." Chiron said sharply, Annabeth gaped at him he never ever used that tone with her for the last ten years she has known him. 

"Percy Jackson, has been defeated. He is in Elysium that I am sure of." Chiron said sadly, the ancient centaur had tears rolling down his face. Annabeth and her family gasped at the news, her brothers started crying as did her dad and her step mother, they knew Percy and liked him a lot. But Annabeth didn't cry, no. She couldn't if she wanted to, her emotions died just like her love did, Annabeth absentmindedly swiped through the mist as her eyes looked at the wall unseeing. He wasn't supposed to die, he had their future planned out. They were supposed to go to school in New Rome, get married and than have a couple legacies run around, he wasn't supposed to die. 


Annabeth finally got to Camp Half-blood where everyone avoided her like the plague, even her own siblings but she ignored them and ran to Chiron who told her everything. He was the only one who knew that she wasn't there, but everyone else believed she came back home two weeks ago and started cheating on Percy. When she was offered god hood she took it, she couldn't bear to face Percy again. She could never explain that the mistake they both made caused him to lose his life. For once she wished her Hubris didn't exist, but know he is back and she could and will make it up to him no matter the cost. 

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