The Quest

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Song of the Quote

Best of me ~ Neffex 

Quote of the Chapter 

"Isn't it funny. I'm enjoying my hatred so much more than I ever enjoyed love. Love is temperamental. Tiring. It makes demands. Love uses you, changes its mind. But hatred, now, that's something you can use. Sculpt. Wield. It's hard, or soft, however you need it. Love humiliates you, but Hatred cradles you."

― Janet Fitch, White Oleander


The three brothers walked down to the camp fire, Achilles and Theseus curious to see what it entails. Only four demigods died during the fight, Percy didn't seem that upset has he had be in the past according to Nico. 

The campers sang songs and the fire was a bright yellow with black running through it. Percy was staring at the fire, his mood was the reason for the black in the fire as he stood up and whispered to Theseus and Achilles. 

"We are leaving at dawn." 

They nodded as Percy left, worried for what this quest would bring them. 

Percy was asleep when Theseus got into the cabin some time later, Achilles left to meet his siblings. 

Percy muttered something in his sleep and rolled over, facing the other way. Theseus looked around the dark room, at ease since being topside the room smelling like the ocean. The salt water fountain gurgling gently, Theseus put his hand in the water and smiled as the water seemed to hug his hand. 

Theseus than went to bed, only to be put in a nightmare. 

Theseus walked with Achilles and Percy  down a dark corridor, their weapons drawn the only light came from the celestial bronze in their blades. 

 They corridor widened as they entered a massive room, the lights flicked on as they saw ten Mahkai and a man with puke coloured eyes smiling as a thunderous roar shook the building they were in as Percy paled. 

Theseus woke up in a shock as he was blasted with some water. 

"What the Hades Percy?" Theseus growled. 

"Hey I let you sleep in, we are running late let's go eat." Percy shrugged as he left his brother in the cabin to dry himself off and get ready for the day as he went to the pavilion for breakfast, once there he plopped down by Percy and Achilles who were both shoveling down food faster than Hermes could run. 

"Gross." Theseus muttered, the other two waved him off as they continued to eat.

"So what is in the East? Who do we have to talk to?" Theseus asked. Percy held up a finger as he swallowed. 

"We have to find the dick head that killed me, it has been two hundred years so I am assuming he is back where I died. The mortals have rebuilt it for sure so we can head there first than after that I have no clue." 

Achilles and Theseus nodded before Achilles said. "You should take the lead on this quest Percy, we may have gotten an information overload from the gods but this is your home you will know it better than both of us." Theseus nodded in agreement. 

"Ok after this lets head over to Pier Five, that is where I died. We can take some Pegasus, it would be aster than driving." Percy suggested. 

"Sounds good to us. Now I am going to eat than we will head out." Theseus said  as he got pancakes and strawberries appear on his plate.

"We will go train but please do not take to long. I do not want to deal with the campers any more than I have to." Percy winced at the bad memories being associated with this camp. 

"I will Percy." Theseus promised Percy and Achilles nodded and left to the arena to train as Theseus was left to eat. 

The three met up half an hour later at the stables, the Pegasus whinnied nervously. The first sons of Poseidon they have met. Choruses of. "My lords." Echoed through Percy and Theseus mind as they walked through the stables. 

Before Percy heard it, the familiar voice of a old friend. 


Percy smiled, as he reached the end of the stables to see a familiar all black Pegasus. 

"Black Jack, my old friend how are you?" Percy said causally as if he hadn't seen one of his most loyal friends in over two hundred years. 

 Boss you are back! The Pegasus yelled as he ran toward Percy putting his forhead down over the demigods shoulder as it's wings furled around the youngest son of Poseidon as if giving him a hug. Percy wrapped his arms around Black Jacks neck, as the two embraced for the first time in a long time. 

Where you off to boss? I can get ya there faster than Hermes, but you owe me roughly one thousand boxes of donuts for dying and all.

Percy rolled his eyes as Theseus laughed. "We are going back to Pier Five Black Jack, I guess I missed an asshole when I took the building down." 

So I see you haven't gotten any smarter since you have died. Black Jack said and if Pegasus's could roll their eyes the immortal demigods swore he did. 

Theseus snickered as Achilles was totally clueless on the conversation going on. 

A flash of light appeared behind the demigods as all the Pegasus's knelt. 

My lord. The pegasus in the stables said respectfully as black Jack said. Big boss. 

Making Percy and Theseus snort trying to hold in their laughter, Poseidon laughed heartily as he embraced his two sons. His hair was slowly getting darker but he still looked like he was in his late fifties. 

He put his hands on both of his sons shoulders as he looked them both in the eyes before saying. "Take care of each other, I finally have received my wish that you are both back. Watch each others back and come back to me, I do not know what I would do if I lost you both again." 

Percy put his hand on his father's shoulder as Theseus copied the action. 

"Don't worry father, Theseus won't get  hurt on my watch." Percy said with a smirk as Theseus tossed an elbow in Percy's direction who swiftly dodged the elbow making their father chuckle. 

"I have taken up to much of your time already, after this quest though we have to spend some together." Poseidon said as he hugged his sons individually before disappearing in a sea breeze. 

The three immortal demigods mounted the two Pegasus, and flew off to the pier. 

They arrived quickly, the three quickly dismounted and pulled their weapons out as they crept through a maze that was the warehouse, the only light came from the unearthly weapons they held as they ventured deeper into the dark warehouse. Until they finally got into an open area, where the lights were suddenly turned on, the immortals blinked to focus their eyes on the sudden change of light only to find out they were surrounded by Mahkai, the heard the bone chilling sound of laughter. 

"Always so predictable Perseus Jackson." A man mocked. 

"It is Percy, Phthonos." Percy rolled his eyes before continuing. "I also brought back up this time." 

The god smiled sadistically . "So did I." 

A roar shook the building as the Chimera walked out and blew flames before roaring in defiance towards the the immortal demigods. Percy paled, as did the other two. 

"So who will be the first to die by the Chimera?" Phthonos roared. 

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