Elysium and Godhood

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Song of the Chapter 

Hold on ~ Chord overstreet

Quote of the Chapter 

"Just because you lost me as a friend doesn't mean you gained me as an enemy. I am bigger than that, I still wanna see you eat, just not at my table." Tupac


"We lost a true hero, today. Percy Jackson has been found dead by the hunters of Artemis, killed by an unknown threat to our world. He is with his friends in Elysium that I am sure of." Chiron said to the campers and legion who all made the trip to New York to pay their respect to their one time leader. 

"I believe Praetor Reyna, would like to say some words." Chiron carried on before Reyna nodded stiffly, as she stepped onto the beach with Chiron. 

"Percy Jackson, was a Greek. But in his heart he was a true Roman, his last act of bravery shall echo through eternity as one of the greatest heroes to ever live. Ave, Praetor Percy Jackson." Reyna yelled the last bit. 

"Ave, Praetor Percy Jackson." The legion thundered back. 

"Back in the old days, sons of Poseidon were returned to the sea on their deaths. This old tradition has arisen again for our own." Chiron said motioning to the sea green shroud with a trident on a raft as he motioned Nico, Jason, Piper, Thalia and Hazel to push the raft into the ocean. 

"So long Percy Jackson you will be missed." Chiron said a tear in his eye as the raft gently moved further away from the shore, the waves seemingly caressing the raft. Almost as it to were sad that the son of Poseidon was dead, the ocean than turned grey and lifeless, a wave no where in sight. 

"Arrows, nock." Chiron commanded, two sons of Apollo stepped forward and dipped their arrows into the flames, catching on fire do to the gas soaked cloth wrapped around the arrow shaft. 

"Arrows, fire." Chiron said his voice quivering as he lost another one of his students that assumed the role of son in his long life.

The arrows flew straight and true into the raft as it caught on fire and slowly broke down as the legion and Greeks moved from the beach to mourn their fallen friend and leader. Only  a handful of people remained on the beach and they were Percy's closest friends and cousins. Thalia, Nico, Jason, Hazel and Piper. 

They sat on the beach as they watched the flames far out in the ocean, as they laughed and told their stories of Percy as they knew he wouldn't want them to cry over him. 

Until it happened, Hazel a lone tear slid down her cheek more quickly following. The heart warming stories made her emotions worse as she realised there was never going to be another Percy Jackson story. 

The other cousins hugged the youngest daughter of the underworld until they were interrupted by a blond hair grey eyed girl. "Percy was always-" 

"Shut up Annabeth." Nico snarled, his face contorted in hatred for the person in front of them, the cousins following Nico's lead. 

"What we aren't friends any more?" Annabeth asked with an offended look. "He was the love of my life. I miss him more than everybody!" 

"No, Annabeth. You were the love of his life, you cheated on him and you caused his death. Your own hubris and disloyalty caused our cousin and friend his life, you are the reason Percy is dead." Piper said quietly. "Please leave, we are mourning our friend." 

Before Annabeth could say anything, Hermes appeared in a flash of light. The demigods knelt and bowed their heads. 

"Sad day isn't it cousins?" Hermes muttered, the demigods just nodded. "I am tasked to lead you all to Olympus to gain immortality. Those who do not want it, you do not need to come with." 

Almost all of them went with Hermes until Jason turned to see Hazel still in her place. 

"Hazel?" Jason asked. 

"I can't be immortal with you guys, Frank is waiting for me. I know it." Hazel said as tears fell down her face. 

The others shared looks. "We understand, Hazel." With that the rest flashed to Olympus to gain immortality as Hazel fell on her butt in the sand and weeped into her lap. 


Two men were in a grassy plain, a river gurgled past them. But they weren't paying attention as they were sparring with ancient Greek swords, their movements a blur to a normal human. 

"You are getting better, Theseus." The blond hair told his raven haired counterpart with a smirk. 

"Well when you learn from the best, you are bound to improve, Achilles." Theseus replied his sea green eyes full of amusement. But before they could restart their spar they heard a splash, they turned to the water where they saw a body floating. 

Theseus with no hesitation jumped in to the river and fished the body out, the boy looked like he was roughly seventeen. His black hair not even wet, leading Theseus to the conclusion that he was like him, a son of Poseidon. 

The boy snapped his eyes open and matching sea green eyes met, the boy looked confused. 


Theseus laughed. "No, brother. I am Theseus and that is-"

"Achilles." Percy finished, noticing Theseus's confused face he clarified. "We met when I took a dip in the Styx."

"I see I was right young hero." Achilles said.

Percy nodded before looking around. "Where am I?"

"You brother, are in Elysium."

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