Chapter 1

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"That will be 5 dollars and 30 cents." The cashier says as I hand over a ten. I began to grab my bag filled with chips and sweets as she counts out my change.

"Four dollars and 70 cents, here's your change. Have a nice day."

I reply," You too."

I plug my earbuds back into my ears and press play before leaving out of the store. On my way home , I begin to sing along to one of my favorite songs Win Again. Due to my lack of paying attention, I run into a tall, handsome guy. I had just realized my chips had fallen out of my bag before I noticed him picking them up and placing them back into my bag.

I begin,"I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I was so wrapped up in my music."

"It's fine , I understand." He says.

"Thanks for your help." I say gesturing toward the snacks.

"My pleasure. I couldn't help but notice how sexy you are. I have English with you."

"Thanks. Maybe I'll see you around , thanks again for your help."

I say before putting my earplugs back in and grab my bag , just as the light turns red.

The brief walk to my dorm was refreshing. I unlock my room to find Kim putting on makeup standing in front of the mirror.

"Going somewhere ?" I ask.

"Of course, I am. Why else would I be getting all dolled-up ?" She responds while letting her hair down.

"Ooh, where exactly are you going ?"

"Nothing major. Just dinner then a movie with Terrence."

"Sounds nice. I better get to studying, I have a lot of work to do."

"You're already ahead 2 weeks in all of your classes. Why don't you take a off day to just relax ?"

"That sounds good. I guess I'll just snuggle up and catch up on Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and enjoy my snacks."

Kim smiles, "Well have fun with that. I'll be back tomorrow."

"See ya." I reply as she closes the door behind her.

I grab my laptop and begin to log into Netflix but my ringing phone stop me. I look at the caller's ID , unfamiliar with the number I press accept.

"Hello, who is this ?" I ask.

"Hey , it's me from earlier. You know, the tall guy. Jacob." That's when I recognize his voice.

"Ohh , hey. How'd you get my number ?"

"I saw Kimberly getting into the car with Terrence, so I decided to ask her for your number. I knew she would have it because she's your roommate."

"Well great , you've reached me. So what's up ?" I ask.

"Ooh , my bad. I was wondering are you busy tonight ?"

"No , not really." I reply.

"Are you up for a bite to eat and maybe a drink ? I know this really great bar and grill on Polk. "

"Sure. Give me 30 minutes to get ready. I'll text you the address."

"Great , see you then."

I head to the closet to choose something conservative to wear. I decide on some light-washed, cut-up Hollister jeans with a blue Hollister crop top and my sports blue 6s. I grab my towel and body wash and make my way to the shower down the hall. I take a quick 10 minute shower and walk back to my room slowly. I enter my room and begin to put my clothes on. After I fix my hair , my phone vibrates. New text message:
* I'm outside.*
* I'll be right out."

I grab my purse and lock the door behind me. I step outside to see Jacob stepping out of a black BMW to get the passenger's door for me. I quickly thank him as I get into the car. He closes the door and gets in the driver's seat and put on his seat belt.

It's takes me a few minutes to recognize that Drake's Furthest Thing is playing. One of the best songs off Nothing Was The Same , in my opinion.

"You a fan of Drake ?" I ask.

"It depends. Who's asking ?" He says with a smirk.

"I am. I absolutely love his music , always so heartfelt and honest. I'm a huge fan."

"Well in that case , so am I. He's pretty dope."

I nod. As the car begin to slow , I see a huge sign that says Joe's Bar & Grill.

I guess this is our stop. Jacob parks and starts to get out of the car so I do the same.

"Ready for a nice evening ?" He asks.

"Hell yea." I smile.

We enter Joe's Bar & Grill and find a booth close to the back. We both settle in as I glance at the menu. I decide on Snow Crab and Shrimp with Butter Sauce. I choose a Strawberry Margarita for my drink.

Jacob on the other hand orders a Double Cheeseburger with Bacon and a Chow Chow Chutney along with a beer.

There's a few moments of awkward silence while we wait for our food.

Jacob finally says, "Are you seeing anyone ?"

I simply answer ,"No. Haven't really found anyone worth it."

Seeming a little offended , he replies,"Oh."

I quickly add after taking a sip of my margarita," You're pretty dope, though. Charming, attractive , and a gentleman. Me likeyy."

Jacob smiles and says ,"You're not too bad yourself ; sexy, confident, smart and darkskin. Lord , have an angel been sent my way ?!" We laugh in unison.

"Well you know , I try." I reply.

Before he gets a chance to respond , the waiter arrives with our food.

We nod towards her as to say thank you , she returns the gesture.

I immediately place my napkin on my lap and begin to dig in. I look up to find Jacob doing the same. Before I know it , both our plates are clean. Jacob decides to pay the bill and I oblige. He leads the way to the car , never forgetting to hold the door open for me. The drive back to my dorm is silent but sweet.

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