Chapter 25

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Haven't updated in awhile but I'm back! I missed y'all.


When I got downstairs, I saw Michelle trying to get at Nick but failing due to Jay's resistance. It took me a coupla minutes to snap out of my thoughts and figure out what the fuck was going on in my living room.

I grabbed Michelle from Jay's hold, attempting to calm her down and distance her from Nick.

"You dirty bitch! Why are you here?! How did you find me?!"
Michelle shouted to Nick.

He remains speechless as Jacob and I exchange a confused look.

Michelle continues,
"So now you don't got shit to say?! After you murdered my sister?! Lord knows what you did to the twins..."

That's when it all made sense to me. Nick was the one who was married to her sister.

Jay then steps in and says,
"Nick, bruh, you gotta leave. This is obviously not a good time and Michelle's not too happy about you being hea'. I'll hit chu' up later, man."

"Right, be good bro." Nick says as him and Jay exchange farewells.

After Nick leaves, Jacob asks to speak to me in the kitchen. I take a seat at the counter, finally relaxing the muscles in my face.

"Kal, what's going on?" He asks.

"I just put all the pieces of the puzzle together myself. While you was out with the guys, I decided to get ice cream and overheard Michelle sobbing. After comforting her, she confided in me about her problems. I came to the conclusion that Nick killed her sister who went missing not too long after having a "sudden" miscarriage."

"Well, we need to go to the pol-

"Babe, this isn't our battle to fight. It's Michelle's. I feel bad but I don't want to put our family in harms way." I say looking down at my belly.

"Did you say family?" He asks, moving closer to me.

"Yes, baby. I'm 4 weeks pregnant." I say, bashfully.

He picks me up and kisses me.
"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to make sure it was real first."

Just then, Michelle walks in and I hug her. She embraces me strongly and says,
"Thank you for letting me stay here but I have to go back home. I can't be here anymore, I need my family."

"You're welcomed." Jay and I say in unison.

"Stay cute and strong." She smiles as she leaves.

"You too, 'Chelle. You too." I reply.
3 Months Later


It was now winter and the couple were packing their luggage into the truck for their trip to Chicago to visit Jacob's family. Kali was quite excited because this would be her first time formally meeting Jay's parents.

"Baby I can't wait to meet your parents." Kali beamed.

Now closing the trunk and entering the driver's seat, Jay replies, "I don't know why, they're regular people just like us."

"I know, but it's my first time formally meeting them in person. I mean facetime was cool but I imagine in person will be better. "

"Sure. Sit back and put your seat belt on."

They drove to the airport in a serene silence, Kali mostly letting her excitement occupy her and Jacob worrying whether his family would accept Kal.

It wasn't too long before they reached JFK airport. Drew drove Jacob's truck back to his mansion while Jay and Kal departed New York.

Finally settled on the plane, Kali relaxes in her chair.

"I can't believe we're actually going to Chicago. "

"Well, you will soon."

Kali took out her phone and started taking pictures, leaning closer to Jay, she said,
"Smile babe, I know you're excited too."

Jacob was actually nervous as hell because of how uptight and judgment his parents are but, he smiled and kissed Kal. Not only to appear happy but, to make sure Kali couldn't tell he wasn't.


It's been awhile since I saw my Kalikins in person. I miss her so much but, after that Michelle shit, I know she don't wanna fuck with me nomo. I'm perfect for her, she could be my wife. Have my kids, cook my meals. She just had to get pregnant. Fuck!

The more I wait on the corner of their house, the more agitated I become. No one has come outside or went in. Where the hell are they?! This has been my only way for the past 3 months to see Kal. Sometimes I just wanna call her and tell her I love her but, I know she'd probably change her phone and I can't let that happen. I love calling, hearing her sweet "Hello" then hanging up.

Man, I'm in love with her. I just gotta give it a little more time, she'll love me back. Suddenly, I see Jacob's truck ride past. I manage to duck but to my surprise, it isn't Jacob in the car. I'm pretty sure the person driving saw me. Fuck! Fuck! Good job, Nick. Great!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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