Chapter 6

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The next morning I wake up feeling rejuvenated. I look over to find Kim in her bed sleeping peacefully , so I decide not to wake her . Grabbing my phone , I notice that it's 6:36. Guess that's my cue to start getting ready for class. Feeling energetic, I choose to wear my black and pink Nike jogging suit with my black and pink roshe Nikes. After taking my shower and putting my clothes on, I wand-curl my hair. I grab my purse and my books, then I'm off to Starbucks before my first class. I make it gracefully through all of my classes.

Get home, feeling great, until I get a text from Jacob:

*I'm outside. Open the door, I need to talk to you.*

I was doing good the whole day without thinking about him , until now. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Without realizing , I rush to door. As soon as the door opens , Jacob starts talking.

"Kali , you have to gimme a chance. I fucked up and I'm sorry you had to witness that." He released.

With the worst convincing smile ," Jacob , it's no big deal. I told you that already just stop apologizing."

" I know you're still upset. Can we just start fresh and test the waters with a relationship ?" He responded.

Shock clear on my face ," What ? Why now ? Why so fast ? Jacob , I don't .."

Before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed me face and kissed me.

" Don't worry , just let my actions speak for me. I'll give you time to take everything in and I'll see you tomorrow." He said before leaving swiftly.

I tried not to think about it and decided to let things play out on their own as I finished studying. The next day, I woke up feeling alive. No school, so I guess I can go shopping then go out with Kim tonight. After I get myself together and arrive at Auburn Mall , I decide I want some Panera. I eat my ceasar chicken salad and grab my Strawberry Ginseng Smoothie to go. A crop top in Hollister caught my eye so I found myself browsing the racks. On my way to checkout , I hear Trey, from school, call my name.
" Hey , Kali. What's up ?"
" Hi and just shopping to kill time I guess." I respond.
"Got anything planned tonight ? I'm going to Bomb tonight and it'll be cool if you came. If not , I understand that too." He blurted.
"I'm not quite sure of any plans but I'll let you know, just gimme your number." I manage a smile.
We exchange numbers then I head home.

When I get home, I find Kim sitting on the bed fastening her heels.
Full of curiosity, I decided to ask,
"What are you getting so cute for ? This is my first time in what seems like years seeing you here. I was starting to think my roomate went missing." I say playfully.
" I know, I've been staying with Terrence , things are getting pretty serious. But to answer your first question, Terrence and I are going to Bomb. Everyone is going to be there including celebs , you should come."
" I'll do just that." I respond with a smirk , my response surprises Kim and earns me a laugh.
I decide on my royal blue body-con dress with my nude Lou Bouiton heels and clutch , grab my keys and head out.

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