Chapter 19

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"Kalll! Kalikins! Babe, get up." Jay shouted, while kissing all over my face.

"Noo, stop. Go away, let me sleep."
I whined.

"Damn, a nigga wo' you out, huh ? You better be up when I get back, I'm going to get smoothies." He walked out of the room, laughing.

"Strawberry Ginseng." I yelled.

"I know, I gotchu' babe." He responded.

I layed there a lul longer. Then, I finally stretched and hopped out of bed. Realizing I have no clothes, I grab my phone to text Jay. But, Jay seems to surprise me again; my nike bag is stuffed with outfits and shoes along with my make-up bag.
I smile to myself thinking I love this boy.

I shower quickly, brushing my teeth afterwards. I look into the mirror seeing that my hair is a mess. Being that it's nice out, I decide to put my hair up. After brushing my hair up and applying a reasonable amount of shea butter, I fix my hair into a messy bun, leaving a strand of hair out on each side of my side burns.
I apply a light amount of mascara and a thin coat of MAC Milani Teddy Bare. Satisfied with my hair and make-up, I decide on a navy blue pair of Adidas varsity shorts and a white Nike crop top along with my white Gucci sandals Jay got me for graduation.

Just as I'm about to call Jay, I hear the suite door open. Meeting him halfway, I grab my smoothie from the cup holder and start drinking.

"You're welcomed bae, no prob." Jacob said sarcastically.

"Oh my bad, thanks babe. You know how much I love my smoothies, I kinda forgot you was here." I laughed and pecked his lips.

"Yea, yea, yea. I gotchu' a grilled chicken salad just in case you're  hungry." He sat the Panera bag on the table.

"Did I tell you I love you today ?" I laugh, earning a look from Jay.

"Kal, you're so corny." He picked me up, sitting me on the counter.

"Ow, Jay be careful. I'm still sore from last night."

He smirked,"Daddy layed that pipe down right, huh ?"

Pushing his chest trying to get down, I retort,"Hahaha. That's real cute."

"I know, that's the impression I got from you last night when you was screaming my name."

He tightened his grip around my waist and kissed my lips slowly. Deepening the kiss, he parted my lips with his tongue. Feeling the intensity, I pecked his lips quickly and got down from the counter.

"Jacob, I swear you think you so slick. What are we doing today ?"

"I was thinking just a chill day, maybe the amazement park."

"I like that, lemme just get my purse and then we can leave." I responded.

My phoned rang, accepting the call without acknowledging the caller's id, I answer,"Hello, who is this ?"

"I've been texting you but, you haven't responded. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

Recognizing the voice, I look at my phone and see that it's Nick. I really don't feel like dealing with this right now, especially because I haven't told Jacob. I didn't tell him yet because I already know how he'll react.

"Nicholas this is a bad time, I'm  kinda busy right now. I'll think about it and get back to you later."

"We back to first name basis now ? Kali, I said I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise." His voice gets louder.

"Nicholas, I can't deal with this right-

"It's him isn't it ? You're with him, aren't you ?" He yells.

Just then, Jay walks into the room.
He asks,"Babe, who is that ?"

I immediately hang up and respond,"Oh babe that was just some guy calling looking for somebody named Bertha. I told him he had the wrong number. You ready ?"

"I was waiting on you, let's go."


"Jay that's no fair, you're a professional basketball player. Of course, you're gonna win against a short lul cute, innocent girl such as myself." Kali argued.

"Nah babe. I ain't tryna hear that cause you can't even get the ball inside the rim." I pointed out.

"Well so what. I'm not supposed to know how to play, that's what I got you for. I'm just the lul pretty cheerleader." She smirked.

"Oh really ?" I asked and she nodded.

"Does this cheerleader you speak of do nasty things ?" Seeing Kal's expression, I burst out in laughter.

"It's not even that funny. Come on I want a funnel cake." She says, intertwining our arms while we made our way to the nearest concession stand.

Just before it was our turn to order next, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around and to my surprise, it's Michelle. Kal then looks up from her phone.

Before I can say anything, Kal steps toward her and says,"What the fuck you tapping him fa ? I thought I made it clear enough to leave him the fuck alone, when we had our last encounter."

"Ooh, I see Jay must've not fed his guard dog today because she's a lul cranky." Michelle snickered.

Kali lunged toward Michelle but, I grabbed her waist, putting distance between the two of them.

"Michelle, what the fuck do you want ?" I spat, angrily.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here but since you are I might as well tell you." She said with a smirk.

Kal looked at me and mirrored my confused expression,"Tell him what ?"

"Jacob tell her to be a good dog before I change my mind."

I gave Kal a pleading look and she obliged.

"Michelle what do you have to tell me ?"

"Well, one of my exes has HIV and notified me last night. I'm gonna get checked out tomorrow, you might wanna get yourself checked out too. "
She said and pranced past us.

"Kali, babes don't-
But before I could finish my sentence she was already leaving the park.
What Y'all Think About Michelle ?
What Would You Do If You Was Kal ? What Yall Think About Nick ?
Anybody Still Team Jacob ?
Comment TeamNick/TeamJacob
If I Get A Least 10 Comments, I'll Write A Bonus Chapter Revealing A Vital Piece To The Story's Ending.
Soo, Please COMMENT Yall. I Think This'll Be Fun.

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Riiee ✊✌✨

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