Chapter 13

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I know I've been MIA for far too long but I keep having massive writers block. Plus, I started a new job that takes up most of my time and leaves me exhausted. I hope I get the hang of everything and start writing again. I miss it. I feel really guilty about leaving you all hanging like that. There's gonna be a mention of the story I Remember Long Ago but with a slight disconnection to the plot line. I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy this!!!

Donna and the dynamos went to change after they were done with rehearsal. Miranda stayed in the courtyard sitting at a table with Ruby and Donny in his high chair. Ruby kept making faces at him to make him laugh while Miranda watched the little boy amused. At one point, Ruby stopped and stared at a smiling Miranda.

"You know, you rarely smile like that. You do it when you're relaxed" Ruby pointed out

Miranda looked down "After everything that's happened in my life, I don't think there's much left to smile about" Ruby frowned at that, she felt guilty for being part of the reason of Miranda's unhappiness "my daughters are the only thing in my life that's worth smiling for" Ruby gave her a small smile

"They are beautiful twins, I've seen them in the papers" Ruby said

By instinct, Miranda picked up her phone and dialed a number "hello bobseys, Im sorry I didn't call this morning but mommy was a little distracted" she put it on speaker for Ruby to hear

"It's ok mom, we know you're always busy" Cassidy said on the line, Ruby smiled at the girls voice

"Actually I haven't been doing much since my incident yesterday but I feel a lot better so don't worry" Miranda said

"When are you coming home?!!!" Caroline yelled from afar

"Soon Caroline, in the meantime, you do whatever the nanny tells you" Miranda instructed

"Yes mom!!" The twins said in unison

Miranda eyes Ruby who was enchanted by the girls voices "Actually bobseys, there's someone next to me that I would like you to meet" Ruby's eyes sparkled and her heart instantly started racing "Remember when you complaint that your friends at school all had grandparents and you didn't but when you asked me, I didn't say anything of the matter? Well I would like you to meet my mother. Your grandma, Ruby"

"Hello girls, how are you darlings? it's so nice to meet you" Ruby said excitedly

"You're our grandmother?? You don't sound like a grandma" Caroline said, Ruby laughed

"Caroline don't be rude" Cassidy scolded

"Sorry Cass" she apologized

"Honey don't worry, you weren't rude, I take your comment as a compliment. Wait until your grandpa hears how adorable you are" Ruby said giggling

"Girls I have a sister too, we just weren't that close before. She's the owner of the hotel I'm staying at along with her daughter so you have a cousin too" Miranda told them

"Cool!!!" They exclaimed

"Hey mom, is Andy around?? We want to say hi" Cassidy asked "When are you having her babysit us again? Last time we had a lot of fun. I wish she could've stay with us longer" Miranda's face turned red as a tomato, Ruby noticed and gave a small chuckle

"Cassidy Andrea is working baby and I don't know and I doubt it will be soon" Miranda said, the girls whined "Ok girls, mommy has to go. Kiss kiss, bye bye" with that she hung up

Ruby kept staring at her daughter intently "Even Cassidy and Caroline are smart enough to acknowledge what's going on with you and your assistant" she said

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