Chapter 4

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I'm really sorry for the delay on the chapter. I had to get over some writers block but I'm back. I'm not sure if the next chapter will take long to be published but let's see how this goes. Enjoy!!!

Donna and Ruby were sitting in one of the tables in the courtyard facing each other. Donna had her head down and Ruby was comforting her. She really had no idea and wished that Miranda had told her how she was feeling.

"So that is what the feud is about?" Ruby said in disbelief

"Yeah, you were on tour when it happened and Miranda wanted to tell you but I wouldn't let her. I thought that since you weren't around, you wouldn't understand" Donna said sniffling

"I'm really sorry honey, I really am. I wish that it wouldn't have happened. Maybe if I was around more, you still would've been together" Ruby said

"No, she still would've made her choice without telling me. Maybe it is my fault for being such a pushover with her" Donna said

"Don't say that, you are twin sisters. It's normal that you do stuff together" Ruby said

"Yes we are twins but we are both different people" Donna argued 

Fernando had walked away from Sophie and she took the opportunity to go to Donna and Ruby. She found her mother crying and that worried her.

"Mom, what happened in there? Why was Ms. Priestly being so rude?" Sophie asked While kneeling in front of Donna

"It's rare for Miranda not to be cold and rude" Donna scoffed

"Maybe I should go talk to her, reason with her and get you two to talk" Ruby said

"Really mom? You want to reason with Miranda? Her pride and ego are bigger than anything" Donna said

Ruby sighed "Well I have to do something if she won't talk to you, she'll have to listen to me" she said then her eyes caught Fernando going in the direction she knew he would go "Or maybe not me" Ruby whispers to herself

"If you never listened to her all our lives, do you really think she'll listen to you?" Donna told her, Ruby frowned.

Sophie was looking at the two women really confused "Alright, I'm lost. What's going on? What are you talking about?"

Donna sighed, it was time for Sophie to find out their connection to Miranda "You need to know something"

Fernando stood in front of Miranda's door, they needed to talk. It was a big risk but he felt he needed to check on her. They were father and daughter after all but he doubts they would have that connection right away. Nevertheless, he worried about his girls and wanted what Ruby wanted. It was not going to be easy but he would do whatever it takes. He knocked softly at first, he was nervous. When no one responded he knocked a little harder.

"Come in" Miranda said. Fernando entered the room and found her in a chair, looking down at her notebook. She had a frown on her face but he could see through her glasses that she had cried. She looked up at him, still with a frown "Oh it's you" she said putting the notebook down and looking away again.

"I was just making sure you were ok" Fernando said softly

"Wanting to be a father so soon?" Miranda said sarcastically

"I don't expect to be your father for now but I am someone who's worried about you and about Donna" Fernando sat on the foot of the bed, ending in front of her "You are sisters and it's normal to fight but the important thing is that you listen to each other and talk. Sisters find a way to understand each other, work things out" he said

"You heard what I said back there, it's true. The thing is, when I tried to talk to her, she said it was all excuses. That I didn't want to be by her side, sure I didn't act the best way about it but her words hurt me. I pushed her away because I knew she would think I was making an excuse for not choosing what we had at first. She didn't understand it then and she won't understand it now" Miranda told him

"She doesn't remember it the way you do" Fernando told her

"It still doesn't matter, let's just keep everything the way it is. It's not your responsibility to handle this. You don't know me, you never were around just like mother so why bother?" Miranda snorted

"Ruby is trying really hard for your relationship to improve just like she did with Donna. It has been working little by little and same could be with you. As for me, if I've known of your existence, I would've never left you. Whenever Ruby wouldn't be around, I would've" Fernando said

Miranda got out of the chair and moved in front of the dresser "I know what you're trying to do but it's gonna take a lot more than sympathy and pity to get me to accept you. Now leave me alone" She demanded

Fernando sighed, got his hands behind his back and looked intently at her "As you wish" he said before turning around and exiting the door. Miranda looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes started watering. Her falling tears represented all the suffering she went through without her father around. All the memories of Ruby leaving her and Donna. Finally, Donna turning her back on her and moving on. It was too much, she could never handle it but she fought through it.

Back at the courtyard, Sophie was in shock of what Ruby and Donna had just revealed "Oh my god, now everything makes sense. Now I get why you two look so much alike. Miranda Priestly is my aunt" she said in disbelief

"Yes but you can't tell anyone right now. It stays between us three and your grandpa ok? With what's going on, we don't want to cause more drama" Ruby clarifies

"Ok" Sophie answers

"I need you to do something for me baby" Donna said, Soph nodded "Get close to her, see if you can get to know her. Without her knowing, try and get her to loosen up, I want to get my sister back" Donna said

Ruby was surprised at this "Really? I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with her"

"I didn't but after hearing what she said, you were right, we have to talk but it's gonna be hard to do. We have to tear down that wall of pride and catch her off guard" Donna said

"That's a wonderful idea" Ruby said

"Won't anybody question our behavior?" Sophie asked

"They might but let's keep this a secret for now. When it's time then we tell, we have a lot to work on"

After those last words, the three women started making up plans and being careful not to draw suspicions to Miranda. The Sheridan women were all determined and they were not going to give up that easy.

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