Chapter 14

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I'm back!!! It's been a hard few months. I got fired from my job at the beginning of March and have been depressed but getting better. Sadly, I have to wait until august to get back to college. Good news is that I have more free time now and can write again. I've never written a MirAndy fic so i don't know if this chapter will be any good but I hope it is. Enjoy!!!

Miranda was in her room with Andy going through the notes from the photo shoot. All Andy did was write down what needed to be done with the book and pass it to Emily. All the time Miranda was talking, she didn't stop staring at the young assistant. At the moment, she was listening to Andy review what she has written. Although she wasn't really paying attention, she couldn't stop thinking about what Ruby said to her. Her mother was right, she needed to open her heart and get this feeling out. Miranda wasn't afraid of being rejected anymore, what need to happen has to happen. She has learn that over the years to avoid getting her heart broken again.

"And after this is done, we fax them to HR at Runway" Andy finished "I-I think we covered everything, I'm gonna go now and give you your space" she said softly while gathering the things she brought with her and slowly standing up

"Andrea, I haven't told you we were done here" Miranda said bluntly

"I- I'm sorry, I thought" Andy stuttered

"Well you thought wrong" Miranda said "Shows how well you know me" she stood up and ended right in front of her assistant. They were only meters away.

"What else can I do for you Miranda?" Andy asked nervous

"You can answer me one question, why did you come back to work for me?" Miranda asked "After leaving for some unexplainable reason, you came back after all the demands the job requires. Why?"

Andy went cold and stood back a few meters, she pursed her lips and looked down "What do you mean? I came back because I need the job. I had nowhere else to go, I-"

"Andrea, I am a woman of very few words and specially if they're personal and you probably know that. On the other hand, I am also very bold and tell things like it is. Very opposite to you as I've come to notice, you're lying to me" Miranda told her, Andy's body tensed and she looked straight into the woman's eyes

"Miranda I don't know what you're talking about?" Andrea answered

"I've treated you so badly, I act like a bitch. Why would you come back? Is it because you like me? or are you in love with me?" Miranda said

Andy went pale and did not know how to react "I- I can't be Miranda, you're my boss and I'm your assistant"

Miranda's demeanor changed, by Andy's response she thought it was hopeless now "I see, I was willing to overlook that Andrea. If you still haven't notice, I have feelings for you too. I was thinking we could've had a relationship but since I'm your boss then-" she paused

"Wait, Miranda I didn't realize you would return my feelings but I'm afraid. Of what might happen, of how can it affect us or the girls. I don't want to cause chaos in your life more than you already have it" Andy said in a faltering voice

"And here I thought you knew me, I wouldn't let anything happen to us. You should know I have resources" Miranda said, turned her back to the young woman. Her tears threatened to fall but she would not be vulnerable "I didn't want my heart broken again but it seems that it just did"

"Miranda" Andy whispered getting closer to her

"Just go Andrea, that's all" Miranda replied and without another word Andy ran out of the room. Miranda sat down crying on how that turned out. She didn't know if she did the right thing by rejecting Andy but Miranda was protecting her heart.

A few minutes later, Miranda was still laying down on her bed crying when there was a a knock on the door "Go away Donna!!"

Donna on the other side rolled her eyes and used her key to enter the room. Once she got in, the sight of her twin instantly worried her "Mindy what the hell? I saw Andy run from here crying" all Miranda did was give her a death stare with her puffy eyes and Donna caught on "Oh you told her and pushed her away didn't you, come here" Donna went to the bed and sat beside her sister, put her arm around her and Miranda put her head on Donna's lap.

"I didn't want to get hurt again, I opened up just like mother suggested and look what happened" Miranda said in a croaked voice "It's the last time I listen to her, like always, she ruins everything"

"Don't start playing the blame game, you have nobody to blame but yourself. I understand that you're both scared but you're Miranda Priestly for gods sake. You made a mistake, own it. Honey keep moving forward, don't let the heartaches of the past keep you from your happiness" Donna said massaging Miranda's hair

"Don, I'm twice her age and more experienced than her. I don't want her to feel that I don't keep up with her or vise versa. I just-" Miranda quickly cut herself off and buried on her sisters lap

"That's nonsense and you know it. Andy won't care and she'll love you for you as you do her" Donna said

Miranda sat up and looked at Donna, she had puffy eyes but still gave a small smile "Thanks, I'll try again" she paused for a moment "But I said some horrible things, she'll never want to give me another chance"

"I can help you with that" Donna said, her sisters eyes sparkled "on one condition"

Miranda sighed "What do you want?"

"Lose the wig" she said, Miranda raised an eyebrow but Donna gave a stern look saying she was serious. Finally Miranda grunted in agreement which caused Donna to giggle.

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