Chapter 17

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It's time for the final chapter of this story. I've struggled a lot while writing it but thank you for sticking by it. It means a lot to me that you like it, comment and vote. Thank you for your patience and support with the story. Long chapter, Enjoy!!!

It was close to the final days Miranda and her crew had left, the twins took the opportunity to spent time together. They also bonded more with their parents and Sophie and her son. The dynamos had a blast making fun of Miranda while she nervously did things she forgot how to do before for fun. Last but not least, Miranda and Andy spent a lot of romantic time together. The day before they had to go was what the hotel called Donna night that day. The family was gonna make sure the crew had the time of their lives.

First, in the afternoon, Miranda and Nigel were reviewing the final touches for the book. Nigel was flipping through the screen for everything Miranda didn't like. He knew his boss and even if Miranda didn't make one expression on her face, he knew what to add and what not.

"How can you tell what to pick or not?" Donna asked Nigel while bouncing Donny on her knees

"It's easy, you just have to know the her taste" Nigel answered as he saw Miranda pout at a picture "Keep" he said then added the picture to the folder. Seconds later Miranda lowered her head "Next" he said

"This is unbelievable" Donna said

"And we're done here" Miranda said. Nigel closed the computer and Emily rushed to them "send these to editorial and tell them to have it at my desk by the day after tomorrow"

"Yes Miranda" Emily answered and rushed off

"Wow" Donna said, Miranda could only smirk

"This is not up for debate, we already discussed it and you agreed" A voice said coming into the courtyard. It was Ruby

"Mi amor please, can't a man change his mind? Sam won't doesn't wear them on stage anymore" A deeper voice came behind her

"Fernando that's because Sam doesn't go on stage as often as you" Ruby said turning to face him as she approached her daughters

"What are you two arguing about?" Miranda asked

"Your mother wants me to wear spandex on stage tonight" Fernando fought "Donna please tell her not to make me wear them" Miranda chuckled, Nigel snorted

"At first you said yes so don't come begging me not to wear them" Ruby argued

"That was before we had special guests" Fernando signaling Miranda "I'll be the only one wearing them and it's gonna be embarrassing"

"Oh no, don't pin this on me dad" Miranda said

"But you said you were gonna wear them, we were gonna match" Ruby whined

"As the owner of the hotel and organizer of Donna night, Donna has the final say" Fernando said

Donna laughed "Mom please, he's right, he is allowed to change his mind. Oh, wear that blue tux I like so much. It still matches moms red spandex" Fernando smiled

Ruby grunted "Fine" with that she walked away

"Thanks honey bee" Fernando said kissing Donna on the head to which he received a smile in return. He too walked away hoping to make up to getting Ruby upset.

"Dad calls you honey bee just like mom did when you were little??" Miranda asked

Donna nodded "They both do and I still love it" she said "Are you still playing the piano tonight?"

"Yes I am, I play the piano and dad plays the guitar while you, Sam, mom and Sophie sing" Miranda recalled

"You know you can sing with us too, we used to do it a lot when we were little" Donna said

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