Chapter 15

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I'm almost at the end of the story, again thank you for your patience and the love you give to this story. I made a really bad edit to go with the story but I tried. Enjoy!!!

After Andy ran out of Miranda's room, Sophie got concerned and followed her. She was talking to the girl outside the front of the hotel. The dynamos saw this and knew Donna would be with Miranda. Curiosity got the best of them so they went straight to the woman's room. After knocking, Donna said they could come in much to Miranda's distaste.

"We just saw a girl crying and wanted to know what happened" Rosie said

"Well-" Donna started but Miranda interrupted

"I don't think it's a good idea to tell other people my business" she said

"Mindy they're my best friends, you can trust them" Donna said, Miranda looked at the two women and nodded in agreement "Well you see girls, Miranda here is in love with her assistant and she just pushed her away"

Tanya and Rosie gasped and got closer to the twins "Oh dear but why?" Tanya asked

"It's a long story but now I want to apologize and I don't know how. She will never take me back, she thinks I'm too shallow but i just don't want to get hurt" Miranda explained

"Well sweetheart you can be shallow sometimes, I've seen it in magazines" Rosie said, Miranda gave her a death stare but then lowered her head. She knew too well that Rosie was right.

"I'm sure Miranda can get better at that and have some humanity when it comes to personal matters" Donna said staring at her sister who rolled her eyes back "I think I know something special we can do but I'm gonna need some help. Mom can't know about this or else she's meddle and change everything. We don't want that so we're gonna need dynamite to make this happen" Donna said looking at her best friends, they nodded

"Dynamite?" Miranda asked curiously

"We understand each other, don't worry" Donna explained "So here's the plan"

One hour later, Donna enlisted Sam, Bill and Harry to the task of preparing a nice and romantic dinner table for two at the beach. Fernando questioned her behavior but she just told him to keep Ruby distracted. He agreed only if she would take care of Donny for half the day tomorrow. Of course Donna made the deal, she adored her grandkid.

While Rosie and Tonya were in charge of the food, Miranda and Donna went shopping. There were a couple of outfits that weren't Miranda's style. They were simple but Donna insisted she buy at least two. They even bought two of the same dresses, Donna thought it would be fun now that after tonight Miranda was gonna leave her hair down. Miranda ended up buying only one pair of black loose pants.

When the sisters returned, Donna had to take care of some things. Miranda was ok with just wondering around but she went to her room and 20 minutes later came back. She saw Sophie entering the lobby and approached her.

"Hi Sophie, you come from the shoot right?" The girl nodded "Andrea is still mad at me isn't she?"

"Aunt Miranda she understands you but she's hurt. You need to continue to give her some space to think" Sophie said

"I've given her time, I'm an impatient person but I've given us both some space. I have also had time to think and I wrote this for her. Can you give it to her when you get back? If what it says on that paper doesn't happen, then I know she won't give me another chance. I'll respect that" Miranda asked

Sophie smiled "Of course" she said and walked away

Later, Fernando was at the front desk when he noticed Miranda pacing impatiently. He carefully approached her, she stopped when she saw him "Is something troubling you?" He asked

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