Chapter 6

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I've been thinking of so many ways to write this chapter but nothing seemed to be any good. I hope this is as good as it can be. Again, sorry for the delay, I'm really bad with timing. Enjoy!!!

Sophie drove Miranda, Nigel, Emily and Andrea in one Jeep to the waterfall. The crew and models were in other Jeep's
behind them driven by other employees. On the way, Andy and Emily were admiring the scenery and Nigel was asking Sophie questions about the hotel. Miranda was quiet the entire ride but still listening to Sophie's answers.

"So your mom had you while living at the island?" Nigel asked

"Yes, the story is really complicated. You see, after she got out of college, she wanted to see the world. Back then, she and my grandmother had a really distant relationship" Sophie told, Miranda listened more intently "So anyway, before she came, in her travels she met my 3 dads"

"3 dads?" Nigel asked amazed but curious

Sophie chuckled "Yeah she slept with each one of them at around the same time and till this day we don't know which one of them is my father but that doesn't matter to us. What matters is that all three are there for me. After that, she got to the island and found out she was pregnant. As I said, her and grandma were in a really bad place back then and wouldn't accept mom being pregnant. She regrets that and we forgave her" Nigel looked at her in wonder "In this family we believe in second chances for everyone, no matter what" this she said eyeing Miranda slightly and making the older women frown.

"In all this, I didn't hear you mention your grandpa" Nigel added

"Oh that's a whole other different long story but I think they wouldn't forgive me if I tell it. It's pretty sad too really" Sophie said, Miranda tensed up "We're here" she announced.

It wasn't just a waterfall, it was a big puddle like lake that had the waterfall falling from the top. It was surrounded by greenery humid grass on the rocks. The moisture of the water could be felt every time a gust of wind hit the falling crystal water.

 The moisture of the water could be felt every time a gust of wind hit the falling crystal water

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Everyone got out of the vehicles and admired the mesmerizing scenery.

"It's so beautiful here" Andy said, Miranda looked at her in awe. She quickly looked away but Sophie got a glimpse of the scene.

"Miranda where do you want to start?" Nigel asked her

"Maybe by the waterfall, the clothes can resist a little water" Miranda told him

Nigel nodded and yelled "alright people let's set up close to the waterfall" with that, everyone started moving

Miranda kept looking at everything at the distance but always turned to a direction in particular "Is she your best assistant?" Sophie asked closing in, startling Miranda

"Andrea? Uh yes, she's the most efficient I've had" the older woman responded avoiding eye contact

Sophie noticed her aunt got a little uncomfortable "Well I'm gonna go back to the hotel but I'll be back to check up on you guys later" the girl kept looking at Miranda and made a mental note to ask her mother some questions. Without saying anything else, she walked away and Miranda went to check the shoot.

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