Chapter 9

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You probably have noticed the changes I made to chapter 7. I did it to keep the mystery of their connection. Only Ruby, Sophie and Fernando will be the ones that know for now. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it. Every one of your comments keeps me motivated to write. If you have any ideas for the story, let me know. Also, I hope you like the new cover, Enjoy!!!

As Donna was heading to the lobby, she saw Ruby tiptoeing out of the courtyard. She found that amusing even though she knew her mother could be sneaky sometimes "Mom what are you doing??" She asked

"Shhh, lower your voice. I'm hiding from Tanya and Rosie, they won't stop bugging me with questions about Miranda and how I know her" She whispered

Donna chuckled "Alright, I'll do some damage control" right there, they saw Fernando passing by with Donny in his arms

"Hello my two handsome boys" Ruby said kissing each of them, she made Donny giggle

"Hi honey, Sophie just gave him to me. I was about to go to the office with him. Want to join us?" Fernando said

"Of course" she replied

Fernando looked at Donna as she got closer to them "Don, how did the talk with Miranda go?? Your mother told me" he asked

"I'd say pretty good, we got to clear thing up but we still have a long way to go" Donna replied

Ruby beamed with happiness "That makes me so happy that you two are making progress" she suddenly saw from the corner of her eye, two figures moving "Well we better hide, I mean go to the office. Bye sweetie" she said pushing Fernando to walk away. This made Donna chuckle and went to the courtyard.

She saw Sam sweeping the floor, Bill taking out garbage and Harry wiping tables "I see that I have new cleaning staff around here" she joked

"Hi honey" Sam said before giving her hug, she kissed his lips "How's Miranda?" He asked while Harry, Tanya, Bill and Rosie got closer.

"Hey Donna!! We gotta talk" Tanya said

Donna stared at her "No we don't, girls please stop bothering my mother. She can't answer your questions about Miranda. Not even I know them so don't ask me about it" she lied

"Fine" they pouted

"Anyways, to answer your question babe, Miranda's ok and well we talked and the argument we had when she first got here is all cleared up" Donna told them

"That's so good to hear Don" Harry said

"Well, let's see how things work out" Donna said

A couple of hours later, all of Miranda's employees were back from the waterfall. She walked to where Nigel, Emily and Andy since she saw them walking towards Miranda's room.

"Hi, did everything ran smoothly at the waterfall??" Donna asked Nigel

"Besides the incident, yes, it's a beautiful area" Nigel said

"I'm gonna get everything for Miranda to see, she has already texted me 3 times in the next two minutes" Emily said

"Oh she's awake" Donna said

"Can I come with you?" Sophie jumped in with Donny in his arms

"I don't think it's a good idea, Miranda doesn't like to be bothered while working" Andrea added

"I think that's for me to to decide Andrea and I think she could join me" A voice suddenly said "Sophie you're into fashion?" She asked

The jaws on the two assistants and Nigel dropped while a smile was plastered on Donna's and Sophie's faces "Well more into publicity but yes" she said shyly

"Perfect, that's the soul of Runway" Miranda said "But please listen to everything I say and don't talk over me. Ever, for you to learn you have to pay close attention to what I'm saying" Sophie nodded "let's go, I'm gonna need my laptop and the copy of the book. I'm gonna be using the courtyard. I'm tired of being locked all morning. Nigel I'll need you to review the photos with me since I wasn't there. Emily you can go, Andrea, you stay, I'll need to make notes for the staff back in New York and you're going to send them" she said as she started to walk outside. Everything she asked for being handed to her.

Donna followed her until she, Sophie, Nigel and Andy sat down "Mom, can you take Donny?" Sophie asked

"Of course sweetheart" Donna said then turned to Miranda and the others "Min-Miranda you want anything?" She asked

"I'll take a glass of water" Nigel said, Donna nodded

For a moment there was a slight smirk almost appearing in Miranda's lips "You know, the hotels atmosphere reminds me of when I use to do my high school homework in the backyard of my house. I use to have my favorite snack every time-" she hinted

"Got it" Donna said excitedly and walked off before anyone could say anything

"Huh? She didn't even let you tell her what you wanted" Nigel told her in disbelief

"I guess great minds think alike" Sophie told her giggling

"Well, time is very valuable so let's get started on this so-" Miranda began to explain briefly to Sophie every bit of basic publicity she needed to know. All while she was doing work herself and checking on the book. Nigel was impress by her skills and professional opinions.

"I have to admit Sophie, you are really talented" Nigel said

"Well is in my blood" Sophie she paused for a moment slightly eyeing how her aunt pursed her lips "My mom and grandparents performs so as grandma says "I got glitter in my veins" she told smiling

In that moment Donna approached them with what they asked for "Here is one glass of water" she said handing it to Nigel "and one carrot pound cake for Miranda" she said handing her the cake, a fork and a napkin

"How did you-" Andrea began to ask but was interrupted

"Andrea asking questions is not part of your job description" Miranda told her straightening up which made her back down shyly "Donna-"

"You're welcome" Donna said smiling then winked at her to which Miranda responded with the pursing of her lips before seeing her sister walk off.

"Seriously, how did Donna knew that carrot pound cake was your favorite dessert?" Nigel asked

"Nigel you know I don't like when someone asks me personal questions" she said "now let's get back to work"

The four worked for hours only with Andy standing from time to time to pick up Miranda's calls. It was almost time for dinner but first they finished and when they stood up, they saw a crowd in the lobby "Oh my grandparents are gonna start their afternoon performance in the piano" Sophie said

"Performance?" Miranda asked

"Yes, they do it every morning and afternoon. Grandma sings while grandpa plays, sometimes me and my mom join in. Want to watch them??" Sophie explained

"Oh so sweet, Miranda?" Nigel asked, Miranda only nodded slightly and they walked to them. As they did, Ruby saw them and smiled. Miranda was getting a little nervous since she saw Donna close by. What would happen next, was gonna be unpredictable?

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