Chapter 2

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I'm gonna make one chapter Devil Wears Prada Edition and another one Mamma Mia edition. At least the first chapters will be that way. We'll see how the story goes along the way. Enjoy!!!

Sophie was at the front desk while her grandpa was in a meeting. Donna was by her side, checking in some guests while eyeing her carefully. Sophie was smiling excitedly in the middle of a phone call.

"Yes, ok don't worry. We will have all that when she gets here and the suite with the best ocean view. I understand, I promise her stay will be as comfortable as possible. Ok bye" After Sophie hung up, she started hyperventilating.

"Hey Soph, relax honey, what's has gotten into you? Who was that?" Donna asked, at that moment, Fernando was just getting out of his office with Sam. He was approaching them.

"Guess who just booked a week long stay at the hotel, Miranda Priestly, that's who!!" Sophie squealed, Donna's eyes widened while Fernando flinched

"How do you even know who Miranda Priestly is?" She asked sternly, her blood was boiling from the rising anger

"Auntie Tanya brings her magazines and grandma talks about her a lot. It sounds like if she knows her" Sophie says "You know mom, you look so much alike"

Donna felt goosebumps from that comment. Her head started to buzz when she saw from the corner of her eye how Fernando was carefully moving away "Sophie don't be silly, I am nothing like her" she paused "Dad, can we talk in your office for a minute?" Obviously by then Donna figured out what type of business trip her mother was making.

Fernando gulped "Yes of course" he sighed then walked back to the office with Donna following.

When they entered the office, Fernando sat down in his chair before Donna could even shut the door. She looked at her father, fire seemed to burst through her eyes "Mom going on a "business trip" this morning and Miranda Priestly checking into this hotel now can't be a coincidence, can it father? Miranda was her business trip and you knew"

Fernando tensed you, he knew she was angry "Yes" at the answer, Donna sat at the chair in front of the desk and placed her hand on her eyes "Donna look, all your mother wants is for me to meet her. Now that it happened with you, she's trying to make it happen with her too. All Ruby wants is for the family to be united"

"Even if I keep telling her not to meddle, she always finds a way to do so" Donna said uncovering her eyes and grunting "I don't want anything to do with Miranda. She's a cold, bitter, selfish, egotistical woman who doesn't care for anyone but herself. She has three times worse the personality mom had, and still holds a bit for that matter"

"Donna, don't you think it's been too long? Ruby tells me of how long you haven't spoken to each other but not even she knows why" Fernando said "You gave your mother another chance, why is it so hard for you to do the same with your sister?"

"The feud is between me and Miranda, I don't want her to say a word to me. I don't even want her to look at me. Why is it so hard to understand that I can't stand her? We might look alike but we are nothing alike. Not anymore" Donna spit out

Fernando went around the desk and held his daughter's hand "Donna, despite whatever feud you have with her, she's your sister. Nobody else knows-"

"Nobody has to know" Donna interrupted

"But you are still the owner of this hotel and she will still be our exclusive guest. It would be rude of you not to face her. Besides, and this probably sounds selfish, I'm dying to meet my other daughter even if she doesn't have the same response you did" He continued

Donna slightly smiled "She's a fool if she mistreats you in any way, you are a wonderful man. It's impossible not to love you at first sight" Fernando smiled in return, they finally hugged and still held hands when they broke apart, she sighed "I'll try to at least be polite but I'm not speaking to her more than absolutely necessary"

"Deal" Fernando said "And I love you too Honey Bee" Donna let out a giggle, it was amusing how her father started calling using the childhood nickname Ruby gave her.

When Ruby arrived, Donna kept avoiding or ignoring her, the older woman didn't blame her, she knew why. The rest of the family were confused about their odd behavior and Fernando was a little concern. Everyone went to bed that night, except for Donna who kept working in her dads office. After her incident, she had a lot of trouble sleeping. She preferred to tire herself of work so the nightmares wouldn't jump in. As much as she dreaded it, she had to make sure everything was as it needed to be for Miranda's arrival. Donna knew her sister too well and when she checked what Sophie had written, there were a few things left out. She figured Miranda hadn't told some details about herself to avoid embarrassment. They shared those same things as twins so she knew what to put in.

The door of the office was open so when Ruby saw Donna, she walked right in "Hey" she said when she sat down in front of her

"I'm still not talking to you, I know where you went and as much as I told you not to meddle, you did" Donna said sharply

"Don, I'm a mother concern for her daughters. It brakes my heart seeing you two apart, I don't want you to repeat my story with my own twin" Ruby said, her mind wanders to her own twin who she still didn't talk to. She was still mad because her sisters success had gone to her head. She forgot about Ruby, about helping her rise when she struggled. That was something she couldn't forget, so she stayed in Vegas. In a way that made her strong but with a hole in her heart. Donna suddenly stopped working, she had rarely heard her mother talk about her aunt so she listened.

"At first I gave you two some space to see if you two would work it out but as the years passed, I began to worry. After coming here and going through your death and the incident that brought you back, I said enough is enough. I knew you wouldn't take that step so I took it for you" Ruby said

"You shouldn't have, it's not your place" Donna stated

"But it is, I'm yours and Miranda's mother and that gives me the right to do what is best for my daughters"

Donna took a deep breath before saying "Mom, I love you for trying but you don't know what happened and I don't want to talk about it. What's done is done and it's impossible to fix"

"I don't think it's impossible, she's already coming here. That's a start, you just have to be willing to listen to each other. Give her a chance like you gave me a chance" Ruby said, she stood up, went to Donna and gave her a kiss on the head. She saw she was working on Miranda's stay and smiled "You look tired already, get some sleep. We have a lot to do before your sister gets here" Donna nodded and Ruby walked out.

The following days were a rush for both sides. The twins tried to keep themselves busy but from time to time they spaced out, thinking about each other. It was not gonna be an easy encounter or an easy week. Miranda has even thought about canceling everything and finding another place but something inside her told her not to. The day before the arrival, they both stayed up at night. Not getting any sleep, they both had nightmares that night. What was strange for Donna was that it wasn't the usual nightmare. It was an old nightmare, one she hadn't have since the incident. As for Miranda, it was the same nightmare she's had since she was little. Mixed emotions came from the two, it was like they sensed it from each other as they use to. That scared and worried both of them but as Miranda shrugged it off, Donna kept thinking of what could it mean. When the sun started to rise, they went to bed to rest and prepare to meet each other for the first time in 30 years.

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