Chapter 7

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I really like to challenge myself and I don't know why. I finished "Hidden In Sight" first, now I'm gonna be focusing on this one. With my schedule all over the place, my updates will be slow. Bare with me, I'm very disorganized and sadly I have commitment issues. I hope you enjoy this one!!!

At the hotel, Sam was back with Bill, Harry, Tanya and Rosie. Fernando put them up to speed with what was going on at the hotel. Of course, he didn't say the connection between the Sheridan women and Miranda out of respect for them. Aside from that, Ruby was really worried about her daughters. She was desperately pacing back and forth Sophie was getting nervous.

Fernando saw this and grabbed Ruby to a stop "Mi amor calm down please, they're gonna be here very soon. You'll see"

Ruby looked at him with crystal eyes "But Fernando-"

"I know, I am too but everything will be fine" He told her, everyone but Sophie looked at them curiously

"Who knew something like this could happen to Miranda Priestly" Tanya said

"Yeah I mean, she must be furious" Rosie said

"Aunties, she's still human and stuff happens" Sophie said trying to defend her aunt

In that moment, they heard the honk of the jeep. Miranda was still shaken, after the talk with Donna she was thoughtful. Never in her life would she imagined she would go through something like this so Miranda was scared. Miranda had to admit that it was nice to have someone other than her daughter that cared about her. Caroline and Cassidy were the most important thing in her life and she would die if it protected them. The girls weren't with her so her mother and sister were all she had at the moment. She was scared, the Ice Queen never got scared which it brought her concern. All Miranda wanted right now was to be comfortable, warm and safe. She knew where and with who she would find it but that wasn't going to happen either so she wanted the next best thing at the moment.

Nigel got out first to help the staff get Miranda's things and Donna went around to help her get out "Ready?" Donna asked, Miranda nodded. She helped her out and got her to lean on her.

Once they passed the entrance with Nigel following close behind, Ruby's face lid up. The three Sheridan women didn't hesitate once in embracing each other into a hug. Everyone but Sophie and Fernando was surprised by this reaction. He joined the hug soon after, having the three in his arms and kissing his daughters heads.

"My girls" Ruby whispered with one daughter in each arm "I was so scared" She was relieved but at the same time crying with worry. Miranda closed her eyes as those words were being said. She felt so vulnerable but at the same time she was starting to calm down.

"We're ok mom, she's ok" Donna whispered back, Miranda nodded in response. She surrendered to her parents touch, feeling warm outside and starting to warm up on the inside.

They parted and looked at each other, though Ruby wouldn't let go of her hand "Let's seat you down Miranda" Fernando said, she nodded but once she moved she flinched once she felt a pain in her wrist.

"She twisted her wrist when fighting the current of the waterfall" Donna informed

Ruby became alerted by this "Why don't we take you to your room instead and we can call tell the doctor to check on you there" She said

"He has already been called and should be here soon" Fernando said

"Will you go with me to my room?" Miranda asked her parents and Donna, Nigel was surprised by this as was everyone else. Although they thought she would be being mean, this Miranda was acting all fragile.

Ruby couldn't help the excitement in her eyes on hearing the question "Of course we will sweetheart, I made some coffee to keep you warm. If you'll accept" Ruby said, Miranda nodded again

"I'll go get it and be with you in a flash, Ok Mindy?" Donna said before kissing her head, Miranda nodded slightly. Ruby smiled on hearing the exchange.

"I'll take care of her things, you can rest in your room" Fernando said to Nigel. He was hesitant on doing so with a stranger.

"Nigel it's fine, go back to the waterfall to finish the shoot and inform me. Don't stop texting me" Miranda told him

He nodded "Yes Miranda" and did as told. With that they started walking. Miranda leaning on Ruby and Fernando holding them.

As Donna watched them walk away, she was beginning to tear up. Sophie noticed her tensed up and when she got closer, Donna broke down in her arms. The rest of the family was taken aback by the reaction. Mother and daughter didn't care who saw, they just stood there.

Sophie gently caressed the back of Donna's back "It's ok, everything's ok, Miranda is safe now"

"I almost lost her back there, I was afraid of not getting there in time" Donna cried "I don't know what I would've done if I've lost her for real. I would've never forgiven myself"

Sophie broke away, looked at her and dried her tears "luckily you didn't lose her and you still have a change to make things right" Donna nodded in agreement

Sam was watching the scene along with the guys, Sky holding Donny and the dynamos. He got closer and embraced them "I sense that you might need to tell us something given what happened" he said "I'm not surprised Sophie already knows" Sam teased receiving a small smile

"It's nothing" she said turning to everyone "It's a really long story but all you have to know for now is that I'm gonna be getting Miranda special attention since she is our special guest" she told, everyone was more curious now than ever "I mean, we obviously don't want to get on her bad side

"Does she even have a good side? Her reputation says otherwise" Tanya remarked

"Look guys, Miranda might seem like a complete bitch but everyone has their good side and I'm gonna uncover hers. Sophie and mom are helping me with this but if we need any help, we'll let you know" she said, everyone nodded in agreement

"What I love the most about you is that you always find the good in everyone" Sam said before kissing her head, he received a smile in return

"I'm gonna go prepared the coffee" was the last thing Donna said before walking away towards the kitchen.

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