Chapter 3

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I hope this chapter lives up to expectations, thank you to Cher-love for helping me with the introduction. it's a long one. Enjoy!!!

Miranda stepped on the dock, choosing to ignore the creak under her feet. Such like Donna to live on an old island, she thought. She couldn't shake the pitted nervous feeling over the possibility of seeing Donna again. You're Miranda Priestly, stop it. She hadn't seen her sister since they went off to college. They were different people as they got older even though they were twin sisters. The feud between them had changed Miranda, she couldn't help but blame Donna. A few jeeps had been arranged to take her, the models and the equipment to the hotel. As she got closer, she looked around at the view. Miranda had to admit that it was a breathtaking view and a beautiful island.

The Jeeps parked at the side of the front entrance and both the sisters tension grew. From outside, Miranda could see all of them waiting. Ruby and what seemed to be Fernando, her father. She was curious about him but at the same time a little resentment rose in her, he was a complete stranger. Next to him she saw a young woman who she assumed was her niece Sophie. Beside them were Sky, Sophie's husband and a young baby boy in his arms. Finally she saw Donna resting in another mans arm, that must be her husband. Bitter anger began rising through her body. With every step Miranda took, both her and Donna became more tense.

Nigel, Andrea, Emily and the rest of the staff admired the beauty of the hotel. Though Miranda kept her eyes fixed on Donna. She stopped right in front of her with a scowl on her face. Her arms in her pantsuits pockets. Donna repeated the action by putting her hands on her dungarees pockets. Only then did Sophie quietly gasped, she was surprised to her they looked exactly alike.

"Welcome to the Bella Donna Hotel, it's good to see you again and I'm so glad you came" Ruby said "Right Donna?"

"Yes" Donna said gritting her teeth

Ruby continued "Well here we have Donna's husband, my son-in-law Sam, my granddaughter Sophie and her family, her husband Sky and my great grandson Donny-" she pause before looking at Fernando in the eyes "And my husband and Donna's father Fernando" Miranda's employees greeted them but she diverted her from Donna and looked at him intently.

Fernando reached his hand out and said "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Miranda, I am here for whatever you need in your stay"

Miranda looked at him from head to toe but without any expression on her face, she hesitates on shaking his hand but does it "Thank you" she says then starts looking around the lobby "thought I really didn't have much choice since this was a last minute pick. It's decent but it'll do"

Donna shot a look at her "Well I'm sorry we don't live up to your standards your majesty"

Miranda stared at her in anger "Trust me I would've picked something cleaner"

The family got offended, Ruby pinched her nose "Here we go" she whispered only for Fernando to hear

"My hotel is not filthy, it's not five stars but it's close enough" Donna said

"Maybe with a little more effort this could at least get four stars" Miranda spatted

"Me and my daughter have worked our butts off to make this place what it is today. If you came to insult my hotel, it's best of you get out" Donna's anger builders up inside her as she talked

"Believe me, I'd love to" Miranda replied

"Alright, time out!!" Ruby exclaimed, Miranda and Donna silent immediately before looking at their mother in shock. This was what Ruby used to do to stop them from arguing when they were young "Still works like a charm" She smirked victorious. Miranda's employees were stunned. She never lets anyone quiet her down so it surprised them that this woman had that power over their boss "Sam, you, Sophie and Sky take care of the rest of our guest" Ruby commanded "You two, come with me" she said moving towards Fernando's office.

"But" Miranda tried to argue

"Now Miranda" Ruby said sternly, that left the people around more stunned because Miranda never took a command from anyone "You too darling" She told Fernando, they all followed.

Once inside the office, Fernando sat in his chair, Donna and Miranda in the two seats in front of the desk and Ruby by Fernando's side

"She started it" Both Donna and Miranda whined, their voices sounding as one

"I don't care who started it, you two are fully grown women. You need to resolve this silly feud to make this stay bearable for everybody" Ruby told

"Mom, I think we already established that Miranda is a cold hearted traitor so there is nothing to resolve" Donna said

"Me? Well at least I built an image of respect and success" Miranda fought

"Please, that so called image is as fake as your hair" Donna fought back, Miranda gasped offended

"Now that I can agree on" Ruby said

"How dare you?" Miranda said to them

"Come on, do you really want us to believe you broke the oath?" Donna questions, Miranda looked away

"Oath?" Fernando questioned

"After they were born, I cut my hair but damaged my split ends so it stayed this way. I didn't want the same to happen to them so we made an oath. In other words, the Sheridan women never touch our hair unless its to blow dry it" Ruby told "I know you Miranda, your vanity is too precious for you to touch your hair"

"I won't stand here to be humiliated, Donna doesn't understand me anymore. Why would she even care the choices I make with my hair" Miranda said

"Me? Not understand you? We use to do everything together. You were the one who betrayed me and went behind my back looking at different colleges than where we planned to go together" Donna yelled

"I didn't want to go to Oxford, I wanted to go to Paris. I went behind your back because I knew you would be mad that we wouldn't go to the same college. We didn't have to do everything together but you never understood that. I knew you wouldn't support me, that's why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to hurt you" Miranda yelled back and stormed out of the office.

She had left her parents and her sister frozen in shock. Donna didn't know how to react, her head fell on her hands. She looked sadly at her parents "I... I would've support her, I swear"

Ruby went and kneeled beside Donna, giving her a side hug "I know honey, I know. You just have to find a way to tell her that"

Miranda went straight to Nigel furious, he was giving everyone their room keys with Sam "Give me my key" Nigel obey giving her a curious look. She grabbed her lugged and without saying a word, walked away.

Moments later, Fernando and Ruby came out with Donna resting on Ruby's shoulder. Sophie approached them but Donna avoided her eyes. Ruby pulled her to the courtyard to help her calm down.

Sophie looked at Fernando worried "Is everything ok grandpa?" She asked

"Everything is fine sweetheart, don't worry" he said and gave her a kiss on the head "Let's get back to work, we have a lot to do this week" he was worried about both his daughters. He prayed that the situation could be fixed.

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