Chapter 5

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Like I said in my other story, I am really bad with timing and I really should get better. I just can't seem to focus my thoughts. Anyway, enjoy!!

The next day the tension was still on but at least Ruby, Sophie and Donna knew what to do now. Donna still didn't know how to approach Miranda but kept thinking of when would be the right moment. Sophie knew was her job was so she made sure to be ready to take Miranda herself wherever she needed to. That morning, everyone was about to sit at their breakfast tables to wait for their food to arrive. Donna and Sam were one of the last, she saw Miranda with her employees Nigel, Emily and Andrea sitting at another table.

"Guys, why don't you sit with us? All of the special guests do" Donna said to them, Nigel looked at Miranda and her expressionless look on her face.

"You go, I'll be fine here" Miranda said in her low voice, he sighed but they all went.

Donna was surprised to see that her mother's seat was empty. She eyed her father quietly questioning him where she was "Ruby is in the kitchen, she is the one making breakfast" Donna raised an eyebrow in disbelief, Miranda heard what Fernando said and reacted the same way. Ruby almost never cooked so they knew what their mother was up to. This annoyed Miranda, she didn't want anything from her. Donna signaled Sophie to go talk to her aunt into joining them so she did.

"Hi, mind if I sit?" Sophie asked, Miranda shook her head slightly looking at the table "I know your connection to us, aunt Miranda" Sophie whispers, Miranda looked at her with shock "I can see the resemblance between you and mom even if you have short hair. Plus, she told me after you stormed off from the office that you were twins"

"Don't tell anyone, it's best if Donna and I keep our distance from each other. We don't see eye to eye anymore, I don't think we ever will again" Miranda said

"You won't know that until you give each other a chance, or at least give us a chance. By that I mean me, my son and maybe even grandpa, you can start by joining us at the table" Sophie said, Miranda looked down at the table "the offer is open whenever you're ready" the young woman stood up and took her place by Sky's side and Donny on the other in a tall stool. Miranda thought about it and decided to sit with the rest of the people. She sat next to Nigel, unfortunately for her, Donna was in front of her. Sam in one side and Fernando at the other with an empty seat beside him. She didn't have any expression on her face and looked down, avoiding their eyes.

Ruby appeared to the courtyard smiling and sat on her seat. She looked surprised at Miranda before giving her a small smile but her daughter avoided her "Breakfast will be served in a few minutes" Ruby said

"Mother what did you cook?" Donna asked suspiciously

"Something I haven't made in a long time, you'll see" Ruby replied, right then the waiters started passing their plates.

Donna's and Miranda's eyes went round, they recognized the appearance and the smell. Donna quickly reacted  "No way!!! You made pancake-"

"Surprise" Miranda finished, everyone around them looked curious at them

Ruby smiled victoriously at them "I did, it was your favorite when you were little and sometimes I like to make something for special occasions. I consider Miranda being here to be one" she said but Miranda didn't react.

On the first bite, Donna immediately sniffed something strangely familiar and unpleasant in Miranda's pancakes "Miranda don't!!" She exclaimed, everyone looked at her. Miranda gave her a confusing stare then sniffed it before eating it, she pinched her nose at the smell "Here, have mine, this one doesn't have cinnamon obviously. I'll make a new batch" Donna said switching the plates. Miranda looked at her gratefully. Donna understood perfectly, her sister connection was still there and she was happy about that. As twin sisters, they didn't need words to talk to each other. She got up and went to the kitchen to make a new batch of pancakes.

Ruby suddenly stood up "I'm so sorry Miranda, I forgot" she said before catching up to Donna.

Miranda gave her a death stare as Ruby walked away, Nigel got closer and whispered "How did they know about your allergy? Andy did the requirements and she didn't know. I thought I was the only one"

"Leave it Nigel" Was all Miranda said and continued eating her pancakes that surprisingly had kiwi inside them

In the kitchen, Donna was using the mix Ruby had left and making fun of her mother for what she did "Mom do you realize you almost killed her right? You know I'm allergic to cinnamon. You should've remembered we are BOTH allergic to cinnamon" She scolded while mixing the ingredients together

"I forgot alright, I'm old" Ruby chuckled "how was I suppose to know the cinnamon was in that one? It's called pancake surprise for a reason"

Donna poured the mix on the stove and added pieces of strawberries "Mom, I appreciate your enthusiasm but don't take it too far. We are trying to get her closer to us, not drive her away" she said turning it

"I know, I'm just trying my best to do what is best for the both of you" Ruby said

Donna finished the pancakes and placed them on a plate "Mother, Miranda and I are not little girls anymore. You weren't really around when we were teens or after that. That made Miranda distance herself from you and change. You gotta accept it, you don't really know her like I do" she explained

"Oh I know, I guess I'm to blame for that but you payed a big part of the price and I feel like I have to fix it. For the three of us" Ruby told her getting in front of her and grabbing her arms

"Look, what happened between me and her is for us to talk about. It has nothing to do with the issues she has with you. I'm gonna try my hardest to get through to her and talk but she's a tough shell to open" Donna said

"I know I'm not suppose to meddle in your business but I'll still try better ways to get you two together" Ruby said

"You wouldn't be you if you don't meddle in our lives" Donna said caressing her mother's face, Ruby leaned to the touch "Let's go to the table, I'm starving. Plus, I'm gonna try to get Miranda to talk to me at the table" Ruby smiled and nodded in response and they went outside.

Donna and Ruby got back to the table and started eating with the rest of the family. They started conversations including Nigel, Andy and Emily asking about how the magazine worked and how it was like. Ruby or Sophie would ask Miranda and try and make conversation but she was always really vague. Donna tried to talk to her but she never answered to her. Sam was the one asking in the end and he found that strange.

Later, the models and the crew got ready to go sight seeing and start the first photo session. Sophie was gonna take them up the waterfall where there was a very beautiful and fresh scenery. Everyone prepared themselves for the trip but no one was gonna be prepared for what was gonna happen there.

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