Chapter 16

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I think I'm gonna make this the penultimate chapter of the story. That being said, I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you think. Happy Mother's Day!!! Specially to our beautiful women Cher and Meryl, enjoy!!!

Miranda woke up next to a beautiful brunette embraced in her arms. She smiled to herself thinking of how much her life had changed in less then a week. Thanks to Donna she was starting to feel like her old self again. Now with Andy's love, all of her pain has been put in the past. Miranda saw the brunette move and slowly look up into her eyes.

"Good morning my love" the older woman said

"Good morning, boy that sounds so good coming from your lips" Andy said "Did last night really happen? Am I really in your arms or is it a dream?"

"It's a dream come true beautiful" Miranda said, they sat up, gave each other a kiss on the lips and stared into each other's eyes.

Miranda slept with her hair down so she had it all over the place "Your hair is all messed up, I'm still shocked you have long blonde hair" Andy giggled

"Well honey let me tell you this, my hair is one of the most precious things to me. Neither my mother, my sister nor me have touched our hair with any chemicals ever. It's an oath we each made as I intend to keep it" Miranda explained

"Good, you look better this way than with short hair anyway" Andy teased and they both smiled before showering each other with kisses. After getting up, they showered together being careful with Miranda's wrist. It was in a smaller wrist bracelet but she still couldn't get it wet. They enjoyed themselves and exited in just their towels around their bodies.

"Andrea, today I'm going down to the photo shoot to review everything. Later I'm preparing the digital book that you have to email to HR" Miranda said while heading back to the bathroom to get changed

"Of course Miranda" Andy said in her monotone voice, that made Miranda laugh.

Miranda got out of the bathroom, she grabbed Andy by the waist and kissed her "I love you Andrea"

Andy smiled "I love you too and I'll be fighting so much the urge to kiss you at the breakfast table"

"No, you will get to kiss me at the breakfast table and wherever we go. I don't want to hide you or our love" Miranda stated

Andy's eyes sparkled "Really?" She asked smiling

"Really, now go to your room and get dressed. I promised Donna we would go together to breakfast" Miranda said, Andy smiled, grabbed a robe and left.

A few minutes later a knock was heard on the door. When Miranda opened it she saw Donna with her marine blue dress and her curls down by the side. Just like they agreed on, the twins wore the same dress and the same hairstyle.

"Wow, we look alike again" Donna said excitedly looking at her twin

"Yeah I know, I did what you asked but please don't start getting all cheerful over this. It's annoying" Miranda said

Donna rolled her eyes "Come on" she said pulling her sister out of the room and going to the courtyard. When they got outside, the family was already there "Hey family!!" Donna exclaimed, Miranda just smiled a little. When the family and Miranda's employees saw them, there jaws dropped.

Ruby gasped and covered her open mouth with her hands "Oh my god girls" she said before her smile

"This was Donna's idea" Miranda told her mother

"You look exactly alike, though I can tell Miranda is skinnier" Nigel remarks

"True" Miranda said

"Hey!!" Donna nudged her, Miranda bumped her

"Ok let's eat before the food gets cold, I gotta find something to do" Ruby said

"Why?" Sophie asked while everyone sat down

"I have a meeting with some of the staff and won't be able to do the gig" Fernando explained

"Yeah and I got nobody to play the piano with me" Ruby whined

"Nobody to play the piano with you" Donna said thoughtful eyeing Miranda

The other twin sighed "I'll play with you mother" said Miranda rolling her eyes

Donna smiled "You will?" Ruby asked surprised

"That's really nice of you Miranda, really kindhearted" Andy said full of pride for her girlfriend

"What can I say, I've had a change of heart since getting here" Miranda replied and kissed Andy's hand. Emily's and Nigels eyes went round

"When did that happened?" Emily asked

"It's about time" Nigel said, everyone laughed

"I'm very proud of you Miranda, you'll do great" Fernando said

"Thanks dad" Miranda said to her father

"We'll let's get a move on" Ruby said standing up "you don't want to be late for the photo session either" everyone stood up and went to the piano.

Miranda sat there alongside Ruby standing next to her. Miranda gracefully started playing, feeling at peace. At that moment Ruby started singing. (The song is above, I had trouble pasting the lyrics here)

When the song ended, the audience were clapping and in tears. Miranda stood up from her seat and immediately hugged Ruby.

They looked at each other in the eyes "It's definitely time you join the family again" Ruby

"I couldn't agree more mom" Donna said approaching beside her mother

"Me too, so? What do you say?" Fernando said hugging Ruby from behind

"I will" Miranda said holding her mother's and her sisters hands as they smiled to each other.

"It was a really a beautiful moment and I'm sorry to interrupt but we have to go. It's our last session and it has to be perfect" Nigel said

"You're right Nigel so what are you all waiting for, move along" Miranda stated, with the snap of her fingers everyone started moving to the Jeep's

"I'll drive you" Donna said, Miranda nodded and with that they headed to the last spot.

The duo has a lot of fun, Donna got to watch Miranda be very demanding. Even if Donna didn't understand all about fashion, she understood sparkles. Even if Miranda was reluctant, she allowed Donna to contribute. Miranda was able to focus, be serious and separate personal matters with professional. Yes, she got to loosen up but toughened up when necessary. There was a short time left on the island and the twins were sure going to miss it.

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