Chapter 12

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From this point on, there's gonna be some MirAndy for you lovelies 😏 Babes, I'm running out of ideas on how to continue this story so if anyone has any suggestions, you can leave them in the comments. Enjoy!!!

Donna trotted out of the room and to the courtyard, she had breakfast with her family and told everyone how she ended up sleeping in Miranda's room. Miranda's staff wasn't present, they were all getting ready to leave. Donna told Sophie what she was going to be doing and once the young woman arrived to the lobby, Sophie approached her.

"Hey Andy, where are we driving to today?" She asked

"Well Miranda instructed that it be to a more jungle area, no more waterfalls" The assistant replied

"Oh I know the perfect place, it's wide and it's really romantic for couples" Sophie said, this left Andy puzzled

"Well since Miranda won't be coming I guess you can show me around" Andy said

"Sure, I was planning on staying and hang out for a while anyways" Sophie said

"Well you better not waste any more time and get going before half of you have a hard time finding another job after I fire you for being late" Miranda said as she arrived to the lobby accompanied by Nigel

"You heard her everybody, curd your loins" Nigel shouted while heading out with everybody.

Miranda headed to the courtyard where she found Harry, Bill and Sky at the table with Donny. She held in a laugh when she saw Donna, Tanya and Rosie on stage with their performance outfits and Ruby in front of them observing them.

"Go over it again, you missed a high note in the second half of the song Tanya" Ruby said, the dynamos rolled their eyes

"I'm afraid to ask what I walked myself into" Miranda said getting besides Ruby

"You walked right into the devils music room" Tanya remarked

"You wanted me to review it and help you si deal with my methods" Ruby said, the boys slightly laugh in the background

"This is all on Donna" the tall woman replied

"Mom, every time you help us, you are overly critical. That is not helping because you are always so judgmental about it" Donna retorted

"I give you three constructive criticism, you ask for it so don't start complaining about it. Aside from what I said earlier, Rosie did one part of the choreography wrong and you still have to work on your breathing. You better tell me now, you still want my help?? Because if not I can go inside and never help you again" Ruby said in her hoarse voice, the dynamos looked at Donna

"Donna from what I saw, you can use all the help you can get" Miranda said

"Shut up, you don't know any better. You're exactly like her so you can go away" Donna said to her and then turned to Ruby "Mom, I do want your help because we are not as young as we use to but please take it easy. For the exact same reason"

"Alright I'll be easy on you but not by much, you three still need improvement" Ruby said before looking at Miranda "Honey are you gonna stay?" She asked

"No way am I missing this, I do want to be entertained" Miranda smirked before sitting down besides Donny's high chair. Donna rolled her eyes and got into position alongside her girl band

"Ok girls from the top" Ruby instructed

In a not so far part of the forest, the photo session was being worked on. Sophie followed Andy wherever she went, they were becoming friends. "So Andy how long have you been working for my aunt?" The younger girl asked

"A year and two months" she said looking down at her joined hands

"How is it working for her?" Sophie asked

"To be honest, it's a hard job because Miranda is very demanding" Andy whispered

"Is it really what you wanted? To work in fashion" Sophie asked

"I really wanted to focus on being a journalists but being an assistant in the magazine was what I ended up with. It's close enough" Andy said

"If you don't like it, why don't you quit?" Sophie said

Andy straightened up "No, I could never do that to Miranda. Not again, I mean she can be demanding but it's her job as the boss and she focuses and does it with commitment" she started rambling

"Andy relax, it was just an observation" Sophie said "what do you mean by again?"

"Two and a half months ago we were in Paris and I almost left but at the end I couldn't do it. I ended up begging for a second chance and she gave it to me. I never knew why" Andy said

"Because it's the classic tale of the love conflict between boss and employee and maybe vise versa" Nigel said approaching them

"Nigel!!! Keep it down, you don't know anything" Andy fought

"Six, I do know, I know Miranda like the palm of my hand and I do know you well enough to see you two are crazy about each other but won't admit it to the other" he said as if it was the simplest topic in a conversation

Sophie's eyes went wide "Do you really think so?" She asked excitedly

"Why else would she give a job back if not for this? Six, you better act before you lose the woman" Nigel said before going back

"I- I- I don't even know wh- what t-to feel, h-how w-would I know I-if" Andy started

"Are you ok Andy?" Sophie asked with concern

Andy took a deep breath "Yes sorry, I stutter when I'm nervous. Sophie I can't be in love with her, she's Miranda Priestley. The two of us are not even in the same social level, we are so different"

"And yet you can't seem to keep yourself away from her. She gave you your job back and you took it, doesn't that mean something? It should" Sophie said

"That's ridiculous and impossible" Andy said looking away "I better get back to work" with that she walked away

Sophie saw every movement she made after their conversation. She was a smart woman and knew there was a feeling hidden somewhere. Sophie just had to make it show itself to the two women.

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