Chapter 8

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Focusing on one story at a time is both easy and difficult. You can have all the ideas but have to figure out when to publish. I'm one of those writers that publishes the chapters days apart from each other or the same day at times. Not to mention yet again that I am very disorganized and because I have a lot on my mind, get writers block all the time. Anyway, thank you for being patient and I hope you are enjoying the story. This is a long chapter so enjoy!!!

Donna made the coffee and was on her way to Miranda's room when he saw Fernando exit it "Dad, how is she?" She asked

"She's still shaken but she's gonna be ok, the doctor put a brace on her wrist and told her not to move it too much" Fernando said "She's with your mother"

"Are they ok together?" Donna asked

"It's getting there, Miranda didn't let go of Ruby's hand anytime while the doctor was checking on her" Fernando explained

"I hope she talks to me" Donna said, Fernando kissed her head

"She will in time. I'm gonna do some things in the office but come look for me if you need me" he replied and walked away

Donna got closer to the door and knocked "Come in" Ruby's voice said, she opened the door to find her mother at the foot of the bed but not Miranda.

"Where is she?" Donna asked

"Just now she went to the bathroom, I told her she should rest but she wanted to take a shower. I tried to argue or offer but she wouldn't listen" Ruby explained

"And you didn't follow her??!!!" Donna exclaimed lowly, Ruby shrugged in response.

Donna put the coffee on the table and knocked "Miranda?" She said, no answer "Miranda I'm coming in" without warning she entered the room she found her sister half naked. Only her bottom was gone but what surprised her the most was the mannequin head next to the sink with the white hair in it. When Donna took a look at Miranda, she found her long blond wavy hair down. She was thinner than Donna but they still looked almost identical. Not to her surprise, Miranda had scowl on her face.

"Haven't you ever heard of privacy??!!!" Miranda exclaimed, she took a deep breath. She rarely raised her voice so it annoyed her when she had to do it.

Donna's jaw was dropped "I knew it!! I knew you wore a wig over your real hair!! I knew you wouldn't brake the oath"

Miranda rolled her eyes annoyed "Give it a rest already" Donna giggled "I thought I told mother I didn't need help"

"I know you better than she does, besides, you can't take off your shirt with just one handget your wrist wet and you can't just hold it in the air" Donna said, Miranda grunted "Come on, I'll do it" she cautiously approached her and even though Miranda acted uncomfortable to the actions, she let Donna help her. Donna got her completely naked and into the shower. Miranda held out her hand so Donna could hold it and it wouldn't get wet. She wouldn't look at Donna in the eyes, she didn't know how to feel. Her sister saved her life but Miranda still resented Donna. She was doubting herself at the moment, her sister, her mother, even her father were her family and she was acting like a complete stranger. A stranger who was saved and didn't need to give anything else in return. They were done and Donna was helping Miranda get dressed.

Miranda reached for her wig, Donna gave her a look "Seriously?" She said

"I have an image to maintain and if Nigel or one of my assistants come and see me, it would be tragic" Miranda said "What will they think of me?"

"They would be surprised and give you temporary weird looks but still respect you because everyone is afraid of you. Oh how tragic, give me a break" she said sarcastically

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