Chapter 11

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I wasn't sure how this chapter was gonna turn out but I hope you all like it. See if you can catch the hint to another story. Enjoy!!!

Donna carefully got out of bed, making sure she wouldn't wake up Sam. She went out and was surprised to see her sister open her door behind her. Donna wore a night gown while Miranda used trousers with a night cap wrapped around her head. She uses it to hold up her blond curls up so no one would see them.

"Mindy?" She asked her "What are you doing up?"

Miranda looked at her bluntly "You tell me, I suddenly woke up feeling like I was running out of air"

Donna looked down at her feet shyly "I had a nightmare" she said

Miranda reached out to Donna "Let's go sit somewhere where we can talk" she said, Donna nodded

"I want to get a drink first" she said

When they did, they sat in a long arm chair that was in the lobby "How long have you been having these nightmares?" Miranda asked

Donna sighed "Three years ago there was an incident, I jumped off of a cliff" Miranda's eyes went wide. As Donna was telling her story, Miranda for the first time in a long time grew worried about someone, that person was her sister "Well after "being back from the dead", I keep having nightmares about the incident for the past year of me in the water drowning"

"Donna that's awful, Now it makes sense why I have been having trouble sleeping the past year" Miranda said, Donna looked at her in wonder "Don, I have to confess that even though we didn't speak to each other, I thought about you often"

"To be honest, me too. Maybe that is what has been keeping our bond connected" Donna said


"Girls? What a you two doing awake this late?" A deep voice said exiting an office

"I could ask you the same thing dad" Donna said

Fernando chuckled "I was doing some last minute work" he said approaching them

"Donna had a nightmare and our twin connection woke me up" Miranda said playfully annoyed

Fernando smiled and walked to them and sat in between the two women. He but an arm around Donna before she leaned on him "You had the drowning dream again?" He asked

"Mhm" she hummed

Fernando kissed his daughters head "Remember what I always tell you sweetheart" he began, he looked in between Donna then Miranda "whenever you feel you're drowning, there's always gonna be somebody you can reach out to to pull you out" he said grabbing Miranda's hand, she smiled

"It's not gonna be easy for me to go back to sleep but I better get back to my room" Miranda said

"Want us to go with you? I remember I used to tuck you in when mom wasn't home" Donna said

Miranda giggled "Sure, just like old times"

The three went to Miranda's room and she got into bed, Donna sat beside her and Fernando right below "Hey dad, why don't you tell us one of your war stories? It helps me forget about my nightmares" Donna said when she was getting comfortable

"War stories?" Miranda asked intrigued

Fernando smiled "Yes, when Ruby and I met, I had enlisted in the army to fight for my country. Mexico, that's the main reason we had to separate. The thing is, I didn't know she was pregnant so imagine my surprise when we reunited and she told me I worked for my granddaughter" he said sadly but chuckled at the end

This surprised Miranda "I... I don't know what to say" she stuttered

"Well, let me start with this story" As Fernando started telling the story, the women listened intently for a while. Specially Miranda who was amazed of everything he went through. She kind of felt bad about the way she treated him. Little by little Donna was beginning to fall asleep on Miranda. The other woman's eyes were starting to flutter.

"In the end, we turned out victorious" Fernando finished, he stood up and tucked his daughters in Miranda's bed as they fell asleep "Good night my girls" He kissed each one of them on the head before leaving the room to go to his own.

Ruby turned in bed once she felt pressure on it "Fernando?" She asked, drowsiness in her voice

"Mi amor, I'm sorry to have woken you up" He said sweetly

Ruby sat on the bed "You were working late again?" She asked, Fernando nodded

"Not only that but when I got out of the office, I found our daughters sitting in the lobby" He said

"Really?" Ruby said

"Yeah, Donna had the usual nightmare and both of them woke up" Fernando explained

"My poor baby girls" Ruby said sweetly

"They were up for a while and we all went to Miranda's room. I told them a war story and they both fell asleep" Fernando told her

Ruby laughed lightly "You and your stories, if they were little girls, they would've been traumatized"

Fernando chuckled "At least it put them to sleep, speaking of sleep. Can we go to sleep as well?" He said getting himself comfortable

"Sure" Ruby answered, she laid next to him while he spooned her and they drifted off.

The next morning, the twin sisters started to wake up one after the other "Oh my god, did I really fell asleep here?" Donna said

"Yes you did, now get out before Andrea comes knocking on the door for instructions" Miranda told her, she was laying upright, looking at the ceiling.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of her pillow" Donna hinted

"If by that you mean, I woke up with company in my bed then yes" Miranda said getting up and going to the bathroom

"Well at least that company is your sister, your assistant won't get the wrong idea about that" Donna remarked

"I don't know what you mean" Miranda said from afar

"Come on Mindy, you make googling eyes at her every change you get when she's not looking" Donna stated

Miranda got out of the bathroom all ready and said "Don't be ridiculous, me and Andrea? That's the most-"

"Obvious thing in the world!!" Donna exclaimed "Let yourself go woman or are you still hung up on what happened in high school with-"

"Don't compare this situation with what happened in high school with Erica" Miranda interrupts angrily "I am not having feelings for my assistant, I can't" she said before turning her back on Donna

"But you still do, don't you? Even if you won't admit it, Andy makes you feel like your old self again" Donna said almost in a whisper

"Leave it alone Donna, I mean it" Miranda demanded, suddenly there was a knock on the door "Enter"

Andrea opened the door and froze when she saw the twins standing in the same room "I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt" the young woman said

"No worries, I was just leaving" Donna said before walking out the door with a new goal in mind. She thought all Miranda needed was love in her life. With the love she and her mother could give her wasn't enough for Miranda to feel complete. It was time to give herself and Sophie a new mission. Make Miranda realize her love for Andy and help her have the courage to say it.

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