Catching up

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I'd remember that voice anywhere.

"Katniss?" I ask turning around.

There stands a girl with long brown hair and beautiful grey eyes. She's wearing that beautiful smile.

"You remembered my name?" She asks.

"How could I forget you Katniss?" I ask.

She blushes.

"Well, you're famous now." She says.

I frown.

"That doesn't mean I forget the most beautiful girl in our year." I say.

What? How could I say that?

Peeta! She probably is engaged to some nice guy that can give her all the things she wants to make her happy.

"You think I'm beautiful?" She asks smiling.

"Uh, yeah." I reply.

She smiles.

What if she heard the song I wrote about her?

"So Katniss," Gale asks. "Have you heard our big hit song?"

She thinks for a second.

"Your big hit song?" She asks.

"Yeah, our big hit song. It's called Best I Never Had." Marvel says.

"No, don't think I have." She replies.

Thank god for that. A part of me thinks. No! Now you have to actually tell her! Another part says.

"Finnick?" Someone says.

Finnick looks around and then he smiles.

"Annie?" He replies.

He gets up and runs to Annie Cresta, the girl Finnick hasn't stopped liking since kindergarten.

"Annie! There's so much I have to tell you, but one thing I must, right now." Finnick says. "Annie, I'm in love with you. God, I've been meaning to tell you this my whole life, but I couldn't wait a second longer. You need to know how I feel."

Annie looks confused for a few seconds but then her face reveals a massive smile.

"Finnick! I feel the exact same way!" She replies.

She jumps into his arms and they kiss.

Katniss laughs.

"She really has been keeping that in for a long time, believe me. Since kindergarten." Katniss whispers.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." She replies.

"Same with Finnick. And Marvel for Glimmer, Cato for Clove, Thresh for Johanna and Gale for Madge. But that's our little secret for now." I whisper.

"What about you?" She asks.

"What about me?" I ask.

"Who do you like?" Katniss says.

"Oh.. Uh, just the most beautiful girl I know. I have done for a really long time." I say. "But what about you? Are you in any sort of relationship?"

Katniss frowns.

"No, there's just this one guy I like. In fact, he's here today." She replies.

"Same!" I say.

She smiles.

Katniss doesn't like me. Why would she when there's all these other guys here?

I turn around to face the guys.

Marvel's already kissing Glimmer and Gale is talking to Madge.

Cato, Clove, Thresh and Johanna are all talking about something.

"Wanna grab some food?" I ask.

"Sure." Katniss replies.

We walk over to the food table.

I grab me and Katniss a plate.

I load mine with pizza.

Pizza. You just can't get enough of it. On tour, we rarely have pizza because Effie said that it's not good for us and will affect how we look.

Ugh, I don't want to think about being on tour right now.

"You like pizza too?" Katniss asks loading her plate with pizza.

"Who doesn't" I ask.

She laughs before saying "I mean, how could you not like pizza? It's the best!"

"I know!" I reply.

We sit down at an empty table.

"So is there a chance of me ever hearing this big hit song?" Katniss asks.

"Maybe later." I say. "We don't like to sing it live, because the first time I sing it live I want it to be to the girl I love."

"Ooh. Come on, can you at least point out to me who this girl is?" She asks.

"Nope. Can't you point out your guy?" I reply.

"Afraid not." She replies laughing.

I pretend to look offended.

"Anyway, how did you remember me then, Peeta?" Katniss asks.

"I don't know how you can forget you, Katniss Mary Everdeen. I sat behind you in Physics class, across from you in Maths, and worked with you once in Home Ec. Oh and let's not forget them yellow shoes!" I say.

Katniss goes bright red.

"I loved them shoes! At the time, though, I didn't realise that they didn't exactly go with everything I wore." She says.

"I loved them shoes, too! Whatever did become of the wonderful yellow shoes?" I ask.

"Well, I was walking home from school one day and the sole fell off so I had to chuck them in the garbage. I think I cried." Katniss replies.

"No!" I exclaim.

Katniss nods.

She pulls her three middle fingers up to meet her mouth, kisses them and points them toward the ceiling.

She whistles a tune and laughs.

"R.I.P yellow shoes." She says.

I bow my head and pretend to wipe away a tear.

I will sing the song tonight.

She will find out about my feelings for her tonight.

It's all in the song.


Hey guys!

So Katniss and the girls have officially been introduced!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

More up soon!

Best Thing I Never Had (Everlark THG)Where stories live. Discover now