Video Games

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Katniss' POV

"Hey, Kat, Peeta, you want to come back to our room?" Finnick asks. "We have a games console!"

Peeta fist bumps Finnick before they run off like little kids.

I look at Annie and laugh. Our boyfriends are like little girls! "I guess we could do some editing?" I ask Annie and she nods her head yes.

Annie and I eventually catch up with the guys in Finn and Annie's room playing on the console. I plop myself down on the bed and pull my camera out.

"So, we've just got back from the concert and it was a-maz-ing! I especially loved Peeta's song at the end. What did you think, Ann?" I converse with my camera as if it were a person.

I aim the camera at Annie and wait for a reply. "Honestly, I think it was their best one yet." She pokes her head over the top of her laptop.

I turn the camera back so that it's facing me, "I agree." I reply. "Anyway, it's really late now and I'm just doing some editing with Ann, whilst the boys play video games," I point the camera and Finnick and Peeta and I don't think they even realise I'm filming. "They are so social. So anyway, I think I'm going to end this vlog here because I'll be going to sleep as soon as I finish editing. Night guys, I'll see you tomorrow!"

I turn my camera off and take out the SD card. I insert it into my laptop and open up me editing software. Whilst I edit, I decide to upload my main channel video with Peeta.

Editing is so boring. Although, you do get to review all the amazing moments you capture in the day. Take, for example, I must've rewatched the scene of Peeta performing his song for me at least three times.

Annie's vlog uploads before mine, seeing as I had to wait for my main channel video to process (which took bloody years, if I might add) and then I uploaded my vlog.

Whilst I waited, I checked out my subscription box. All the other girls had uploaded theirs as well, and I laughed as the titles were all practically the same; Peeta Mellark has a heart!

Wow. My friends are all so great and kind towards my boyfriend. Well, at least I know he has a heart.

I click onto Johanna's vlog. I haven't had much chance to spend time with her lately, even though you'd have thought that we'd be spending too much time together.

I make a mental note in my head to arrange a spa pamper day.

It turns out, almost everyone went to the beach earlier today. I frown as I watch them all playing beach volleyball. Whilst I was sleeping.

But then I realise that I had the best night in my whole existence last night and I feel better. I really don't think I'll be able to keep my hands off of Peeta after last night. I just can't believe he's mine. I mean, Peeta's practically a god!

Just when I realise that Johanna's vlog has ended and I was almost starting to watch a video on how to make your own coat hanger, I click back onto the page where my video is now ready to upload.

I call my vlog Amazing Concert and other Activities | Katniss Everdeen.

My vlogs are so boring at the minute. I never do anything fun, on camera at least. I really should up my vlogging game tomorrow.

I shut my laptop lid closed and sigh.

"You tired?" Peeta asks me, pausing the game. I'm practically blushing from the amount of attention I'm getting from my boyfriend whilst he's playing video games with his best friend.

"Not really, just a bit bored." I reply, a slight smirk on my face.

"Okay, well, we can go back to our room once I finish this mission." Peeta replies, showing a quick wink only I could see, clearly catching on to what I mean.

"Sure." I reply, and turn to Annie. "So, what's the gossip, Ann?"

She peers over her laptop screen again. "Ah, not much. Just found out that Sam from cooking just got plastic surgery."

"Again?!" I gasp. Sam, a woman from mine and Annie's cooking class (yes, we take cooking classes because we can't cook for shit) is in her late forties yet she must believe she's a lot older because this is the third time this year that she's had plastic surgery.

"Ha, yeah. Honestly, she looks more fake than real nowadays!" Annie exclaims, chuckling. I just shake my head, thinking of the long term effects plastic surgery must have. Oh no, I think. I'm such an old women thinking about the consequences!

"Done!" Finnick yells as a bomb goes off on the screen, and a massive banner pops up saying Team Odair, you win!

Finnick and Peeta high five as me and Annie laugh at them.

Peeta stands up and takes my hand. "I'm tired now, so we're heading to bed. See you in the morning?" Peeta asks as he waves good bye.

"Yeah!" Finnick and Annie reply. I say my good byes as well and we leave.

As soon as we enter our room, Peeta grabs me and kisses me.

I have been waiting all day to kiss him like this again. It turns somewhat aggressive, and before I know it we're both undressed.

The night goes on until we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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