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Katniss' POV

*A/N the photo connected to this chapter is actually my own photography, of a beach that I live a few minutes away from and I took it especially for this chapter, the description of the small beach is what this beach looks like ;) k thanks*

I wake up to the strumming of a guitar. It must be Peeta.

I slowly open my eyes so that he doesn't notice I'm awake. I see him sat on the chair in the corner of the room playing his guitar, as if it comes as a second nature to him. The way he plays each cord with such ease is amazing. It looks as if he finds playing the guitar easier than walking or talking.

I tried to play guitar once, in 10th grade. I think I broke the neck of it and a few strings, so to say I was bad is an understatement.

"And I'll find the strength to untape my mouth, when I used to be afraid of the words." Peeta quietly sings. "Because with you I've learned just to let it out, now my heart is ready to burst."

His voice is so beautiful, it wants to make my heart melt. I slowly sit up in bed, causing Peeta to quickly place his guitar down and sit next to me.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" He asks me.

"Yeah, what was that song you were playing? Did you write it?" I ask.

Peeta smirks. "You'll find out." I groan. I hate it when he keeps surprises. I know this isn't massive, I just hate not getting a straight answer. "Now stop moaning and get dressed, I'm taking you out."


I slip into a light blue sundress and white sandals. I curl my hair into effortless beach curls, applying light concealer and mascara to my face. I apply a light pink lipstick and return back to Peeta.

"Will I need to bring my camera?" I ask him. Peeta shrugs his shoulders.

"It's up to you, you could bring it but leave out the couple bits." He replies.

Should I bring it? Or shouldn't I? Ugh. This is why you should never make decisions, Katniss.

"Just bring it." Peeta says chuckling. "May I also add it's funny when you're having an inner debate with yourself."

I roll my eyes and pick up my camera and shove it in my navy bag. I pick up my sunglasses on the way out, intertwining my fingers with Peeta's.

When we reach the lobby, the man from the reception calls us over.

"Mr Mellark, here's what you requested, and the other part is in the boot. We hope you have a wonderful day." He says before handing over Peeta some keys.

What on earth did Peeta ask for?

"Come on munchkin." Peeta says to me with a smile on his face before following me away. Munchkin! He called me munchkin! Awh, isn't he the cutest thing ever?

"Peeta does Effie know we're going out?" I ask him.

"Mysteries are way more exciting." Peeta replies, and that's when I remember leaving my phone back in the room. I shrug it off. Who cares? I'm with Peeta anyway.

When we get outside, waiting for us is a black Lamborghini Galaro, that I'm guessing Peeta has the keys to.

He clicks a button which makes the car beep, and then leads me over to the passenger side, opens up the door, hurried back over to his side and gets in.

"Peeta, this is amazing." I say.

Peeta smiles. "This isn't even the best part."


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