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Peeta's POV

I sigh and stand up. "This is bullshit!" I exclaim. "Why can't me and Katniss just be happy in a relationship without having the press all up in our asses? We're humans, too! And we've waited over five years for each other!"

Katniss stands up and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Babe, calm down. I agree with everything you said but we can't blame anyone here. We need to explain to the press."

Katniss is right. I grab her hand and take her to the side. "Are you ready?" I ask.

"Ready for what?" She asks.

"To go outside."

Katniss nods. "I've never been so ready in my life."

We intertwine out fingers and stride towards the big, glass doors, flashes going off every second.

"We need to go outside and explain." I tell a security guard. They nod and gather three more security guards. They open the huge doors and we're bombarded by yells of curious photographers.

"Is it true?"

"Is Katniss pregnant?"

"How long has it been going on?"

"Have you proposed yet?"

Honestly, the questions they are asking are downright stupid and somewhat disrespectful and private.

"We're here to explain." Katniss shouts as she cuddles in to my chest for comfort. Even though we're surrounded by four bodyguards, I still feel unsafe out here.

Everyone goes silent but you can feel the tension from the crowd, and the cameras that are no doubt streaming to hundreds of news channels.

"We are dating. And have been for two weeks." I mention. Whispers rise in the crowd but they soon stop when I speak again. "We were waiting until the right time to tell the press."

"See, we know our feelings for each other. And to us, that's all that's important in our relationship. I've known Peeta since elementary school, and even though I was unaware he knew me, there was still hope. He was my dandelion in the spring." Katniss says. I couldn't have said it better myself.

"So, we'd appreciate it if you gave us some privacy at this time and would respect our decisions in our relationship. No, Katniss is not pregnant. No, I have not proposed. But it's true. I'm in love with Katniss Everdeen." I project. I've never felt a heavier weight released off of my shoulders.

Me and Katniss turn around and enter the hotel again, the flashes going off behind us. This is the sort of scene that, if it were a film, should be shot in slow motion.

Haymitch and Effie are yelling something at us, but I don't hear them because I'm not focusing on them right now. I'm thinking about my inevitable future with Katniss.

It can really happen now, that the press know. We can hold hands and kiss in public. And I also know one thing for certain. I love Katniss Everdeen with my whole heart.

We enter the lift that takes us up to our floor. "I think we both know there's something else we need to do." I say.

Katniss nods. "Film a video."

"I think we need to explain in more detail everything. That's the only thing we can do to get them off of our backs." I reply.

Katniss smiles. "I agree." She replies. "Oh, and, I love you Peeta."

"I love you too Katniss." I reply and kiss her lips. This time, when I kiss her, I feel a deep hunger, a need for something more. But I push it aside.

The elevator dings and we pull apart. We enter our room and Katniss begins to set everything up. I leave Katniss to it because I know I'll be hopeless at it.

She focuses the camera once it is turned on and then sits down next to me.

"So I guess we have some explaining to do." She mumbles.

"I guess so." I reply.

Even though the camera's rolling, it feels like I'm just having a conversation with Katniss.

"So, as you all probably know by now, me and Peeta are dating. We began dating at out five year high school reunion." Katniss tells the camera.

I nod. "I've been crazy over Katniss since the first time I saw her. She used to wear these crazy yellow converse that so didn't go with everything she wore, but she didn't care. And I loved her for it. But I just supposed that she wouldn't go for a music nerd like me, so I never really spoke to her. Although, I always remembered how I at behind Katniss in Physics class, across from her in Maths, and worked with her once in Home Ec. That's who the song 'Best I Never Had' was about. Katniss."

Katniss smiles the biggest smile she can. "I liked Peeta, too. Since elementary school, in fact. I remember waiting for the spring to come so my dad would get home from the army. It was Peeta's first day at our school, and when I first looked him in the eye and he looked at me back, I saw the first dandelion of the spring. So I quickly leant down and plucked it from the ground. From that moment on, he was my dandelion in the spring, my symbol of hope."

I never knew that was how she began to like me. It had never occurred to me that she liked me for as long as I had liked her - it makes me feel a tingling buzz throughout my body.

"I never liked to perform Katniss' song live - the first time I wanted to perform it live was in front of Katniss. So, I did just that, at the reunion. That's when we discovered eachother's feelings and we began dating." I add.

"We never told the media because we wanted to enjoy something together that was ours for the first time. We're both famous, we don't get to have much privacy. But our relationship was something we had together that the press didn't know about." Katniss explains.

"Also, in Katniss and Annie's vlogs, you'll notice that they always say they're sharing a room. That's total liessssssssss!" I yell.

Katniss laughs, causing me to laugh. After a few seconds of composing ourselves, we continue.

"So this is where it leaves us. We'd be happy if you could all just be as respectful as possible. We're just two young people, in love that want to have some privacy. Thank you!" Katniss adds. We both wave and Katniss switches the camera off.

Best Thing I Never Had (Everlark THG)Where stories live. Discover now