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"Until I met you." I sung the last line of the last song we were performing tonight and the crowd went crazy.

Many girls were crying.

I'm not saying that I'm happy that the concert was over - I love my job and everything I do - it's just my mind is somewhere else right now.

I can't stop thinking about her. And tomorrow I get to see her.

"Thankyou, and goodnight." I say into the microphone before leaving the stage.

I follow the boys down a corridor where Effie stands with our bags and is watching her watch.

"We're late!" She screeches at us.

We pick up our bags and run onto the coach.

As we pull away I see the sad faces of girls, probably hoping to catch a last glimpse of our faces before we leave.

My eyes start to become heavy.

I drift off into a deep sleep.

I'm on stage. We're performing the last song, but for some reason me and the boys can't stop performing the last note.

"Make it stop!" I think to myself.

I can't seem to stop playing the last line.

"Until I met you." I sing.

"Until I met you." I sing again.

I can't stop.

I turn around to the guys to see if they have the same problem.

They seem happy. They're playing the same notes over and over again though aswell.

So it's just me.

Stuck in a constant loop.


"Make it stop!" I screech.

"Peeta, it's okay." I hear someone say.

Firm hands are placed on my shoulders, stopping me from turning from side to side.

I open my eyes to find Finnick leaning over me with his hands on my shoulders.

"Bad dream huh?" He asks.

I nod.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"We were stuck playing the last notes and line of 'Until I met you' and it went on for ages. I couldn't help it. You guys seemed like there was nothing wrong with playing the last line over and over again. We was just in a constant loop." I say.

"It's okay now. Peeta you know if there's anything you're worried about you can always tell us, right?" Finnick says.

"Yeah I know." I reply.

I sit up.

Finnick sits next to me.

"How did we get here, man." Finnick says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"4 years ago we were practicing in Marvel's dad's garage. Now we're known all over the world." Finnick says.

"I know." I reply.

"And we're all turning mad." He says.

"Tell me about it." I reply.

Finnick chuckles.

Is this really what I want? To be known all around the world? I have no privacy anymore. Everyone seems to know my secrets before I know them myself.

I get up and make myself a glass of water.

I down it all in one.

Me and Finnick join the rest of the band in the main room of the coach.

"Ah, Peeta and Finnick." Effie says. "We have about 10 minutes until we arrive at the airport."

"Okay." We both say at the same time.

I'm so excited. I finally get to see her again.

I need to tell her how I feel.

I can't hold it in anymore.

But what if she's moved on? What if she's married or has kids or something like that? What do I do then?

Think straight Peeta. If she has then you have to move on.

But I love her!

If you love her then you'll move on and let her be happy.

Wait, am I having an argument with myself? I really am turning mad.

"Dude, you seriously do need a break." Gale says.

"Huh?" I ask.

"We was telling you to get your bags, we're just coming up to the airport." Marvel says.

"We need to be quick if we're gonna avoid the press as much as we can." Finnick says.

"Okay." I say.

I grab my bags.

The coach stops, the door opens and we run.

We're all following Effie who leads us to a private jet.

Finnick was right. The place was riddled with press.

I can still see the flashes of cameras going off in my mind.

I board the plane and sit down in a seat, placing my bags next to me.

I watch out the window as we start to take flight. The buildings become smaller and smaller.

Soon I'll be home.


Hey guys!

How do you like the second chapter?

Do you think Peeta is turning mad?

More up soon!

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