15. The Bet

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Jack made sure that Kylie never forgot about their bet. His cockiness, teasing and even his flirtations were intensifying by the hour. He knew very well that it would annoy Kylie to know end and being the focus of their bet, he was going to poke and prod until Friday afternoon when he would collect his winnings.

Every interaction left Kylie with a pain in the chest from so much suppressed laughter. She prepared herself as much as possible that morning to not be taken in by his boyish playfulness. She wanted to prove him wrong so bad, but she also couldn't resist him.

While Kylie was wandering around her classroom, reading Emily Rodda's Rowan of Rin, pointing to random students to continue, one paragraph at a time, when Jack neatly knocked on her open door. He was supervising and team teaching with Lucie this morning, who was currently supervising his class.

"Excuse me, Miss Foley, can I have a word?" it didn't escape Kylie's notice how suave yet professional his voice was. Kylie nodded and making her to him, pointed to Lukas, mouthing 'you next'.

"Yes, Mr Brookes?" Kylie answered, standing before him, her thumb wedged between the pages of her book, saving her place. Although he tried not to, his body was naturally leaning against the doorframe.

"So I've just had Miss Davies cave for the third time this week on taking the lead on a lesson that she had prepared for –"

"– she doesn't have a choice. She's here to learn how to teach and it won't happen by watching you take the lead every time. Throw her in the deep end. She'll soon learn to sink or swim." Kylie said with a noncommittal shrug, glancing over her shoulder at her class, who were sweeping through the book with minimal fuss.

Kylie knew it sounded harsh, heartless even to say such a thing, but it was true that it was the best way to learn. She noticed Jack grinning, then nod and leant in a little closer to her, still leaning against the doorframe.

Whispering in her ear, "are you sure you're not just waiting to see her crash and burn?"

Kylie couldn't help but smirk at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" she teased, raising her eyebrows at Jack, surveying her class again. When she looked back at him, she could see his eyes dancing with unsung laughter.

"That's your thing, right? Making people burn." Jack finally straightened up and sauntered back to his classroom, grinning. Kylie remained standing in the doorway ... Jack was sure he could feel her eyes following him and chanced looking over his shoulder at her as he turned into his room.

Kylie saw Jack glance up at her and quickly stepped back into her classroom. Jack smirked, entering his room to set Lucie up to transition the students to recess.

At recess, Lucie shadowed Kylie on playground duty, listening to her explain yet more about the teaching profession. When Grace interrupted Kylie, complaining that Jackson wasn't letting her join in the soccer game he was playing with Jayden and Blake.

"JACKSON!" Kylie hollered, watching him trot towards her.

"Yeah Miss?" Jackson puffed, coming to a stop in front of Kylie, who had her hands on her hips.

"Why am I hearing that you, Jayden and Blake aren't letting Grace join in?"

"What? Nah, Miss we never said that!"

"Yes you did!" Grace whined. Kylie shushed Grace and turned to Jackson.

"We're all friends here, yes?" Jackson nodded. "Right, so there's no reason for you lot to be excluding anyone."

"But – but –"

"No buts, Jacks. Look, now you've got an even number of teams. Go on. I know you four can play together, you've done it before." With a flick of her hand, Kylie dismissed the two students, watching Jackson gently kick the ball towards Grace who had teamed up with Jayden.

Kylie & Jack 1: Humble BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now