45. High Alert

27 3 107

Thursday, 23rd May

"What the hell were you thinking, Jack? What if he had done some real damage?"

"He didn't, Wombat –"

"– don't you 'Wombat' me, James! I'm serious –"

"– and I'm fine – don't worry. Look, I was up within a minute, I've got all my faculties, see? Ten fingers, your eyes are blue grey, Kate's holding one of your 'teacher of the year' mugs and there's my ute and Kate's car over there."

Seeing the unconvinced look on her face, he continued.

"My birthday is the eighteenth of March nineteen eighty eight, I have three younger brothers – Thomas Andrew, Damien John and Robert Edward Brookes. You have five scars on your stomach from keyhole surgery, six students in your class, Scott Morrison is the Prime Minister, Slice of Heaven is a song by Dave Dobbyn and Herbs, my mum's name is Kerryn; your favourite movie is Forrest Gump and it's Thursday the twenty–third of May, two thousand and nineteen. See? I'm fine."

Kylie kept her arms knotted tightly across her chest and chewing the inside of her mouth, holding back the panic, but letting her annoyance run rampant. Jack winced getting to his feet, the shock blanket ruffling over his shoulders as he moved, gingerly wrapping his arms around Kylie.

"No – everyone will see –"

"– I don't care." Jack whispered, pulling her close and holding her tightly until she gave in.

Several hours earlier ...

8:00 AM

Thursday, the second last day of term – it had finally come. Matt Collins was gone; Kate knew about Kylie and Jack's relationship; the girls had been sniffing out dates for a catch up; and Jack's lease was due for renewal in the next few weeks.

Everyone had something going on and none more so than Bernie Davidson, the mother of Kylie's student Lukas.

Bernie was about two years older than Kylie and had grown up in the area. So when Bernie arrived at the school with Lukas an hour early, Kylie just knew something serious had happened.

Kate was fussing about in the front office while Kylie took a phone call in the principal's office and Jack was hunched over his desk organising a unit of work he was planning for next term.

Bernie shuffled into the front office, ushering Lukas into Kylie's classroom. Kate and Bernie also went back, like Kylie – but because Kate was sent to an all girls' grammar school in the Sydney instead of Barrabrumbra High like Bernie and Kylie, didn't know her as well as Kylie did.

"G'day Bern, how you going mate?" Kate asked automatically and not looking up, scrolling through files on the computer. Her attention was dragged rapidly to Bernie's pale face when she heard a terrified, small squeak of a whisper instead of the usual bright, bubbly voice.

"Is Kylz here?"

Kate leapt to her feet and ushered Bernie to Kylie's classroom. "She was just in here a minute ago – shit, Bern are you ok?"

"... I will be ... thanks, Kate ..."

Kate couldn't see Kylie anywhere but had noticed Jack was in his classroom.

"Hey Jacko! Where's Kylie?"

"On the phone, I think. What's up?"

"Bernie needs to speak with her, that's all."

Jack could see the terrified look on Bernie's face and just knew whatever it was needed to be discussed immediately.

"Kate, d'you wanna check the office – Bernie? G'day, Jack Brookes. Is there anything I can do while you wait for Kylz?"

Kylie & Jack 1: Humble BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now