36. This is Kylie ...

41 3 55

Saturday, 20th Apr., 11:02 AM

They took Kylie's car, sharing the driving along the highway out of Wangarra. While Kylie was behind the wheel, Jack rang his mother to let her know where they were and that they planned to reach the hospital by lunch time.

Neither of them realised either, that Jack had said "we'll get there about lunch time". His mother, however, picked up on the plural and quite clearly began to grill Jack for details.

Jack shifted in his seat and cleared his throat before answering his mother's incessant questions.

"... oh ... yeah, well – I'm – I – Mum – ok! Ok, I'm with my girlfriend – uh ... yeah ... we were gonna tell you today – bit over a month – Kylie – yes, Kylie from work –" Kylie blushed "– yeah she's driving – I – ! Mum, we're sharing the drive! I did the first two hours and she – ok, ok! Yes, we'll stay tonight – oh." Jack's voice and face darkened right before he ended the call.

"Right. Ok. Bye."

Jack swore as he tossed his phone into the empty drinks holder.

"What happened?" Kylie asked him.

"That was Mum ..." Jack sighed.

"And ...?"

"And she said not to go straight to the hospital, to just go straight to theirs ... and she said that Damo is staying over tonight too. He's got a burst water pipe at his place that's getting fixed." Jack sighed heavily, clearly wanting to say something else.

"Jack ...?"

"I ... really didn't want you two to meet."

"What – because of what happened with his ex? Jack ... he is still your brother –"

"– I know which is why I know what he's like. Which is why I don't want you two meeting –"

"– Jack, I get you're concerned, but ... but ok I can look after myself. Besides, there's no reason for Damo to try anything with me, right?"

Jack ran his hand through his hair before answering her.

"Jack? There's no reason for me to be worried, is there? Jack?"

"... no. There's no reason. You're right, I'm just – you know, I haven't seen him in a while. All of a sudden here I am about to introduce my girlfriend to my parents the day after my brother and his wife have their first kid and find out that while we're staying with Mum and Dad for the night, my dickhead of a brother will also be staying there too. It's just a lot to take in, that's all."

"We don't have to stay there if you're that upset about it ... I'm sure there're plenty of hotels nearby, or we could stay at Rob –"

"– no. No, it'll be fine. I'm sure you're right – I'm just getting myself worked up for nothing." Jack didn't sound convinced as he glanced out of the window.

"Look, Jack – I'm not about to turn tail just because your brother's a dick. Besides, I can handle myself – and I can't imagine anyone would want to start trouble when your sister–in–law's just had a baby."

Kylie decided to pull over at a roadside public toilet and turned to face Jack. She wasn't sure what to say, considering she had never met any of his family before and unable to ignore the fact that where they were going, she would be in the company of an abusive, controlling man ... again.

"Jack ..." Kylie reached over to lay her hand on his forearm.

"I'm ok, Kylz. Damo's not gonna ruin this weekend – and if he starts any crap, like you said, there are plenty of hotels about ..." Jack said after finally turning away from the window to grin at Kylie. He leant in a little closer too. Kylie could see his eyes shining brightly with untold mischief that made her smirk.

Kylie & Jack 1: Humble BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now