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Request:AlexaRhodes6 I hope you enjoy the song! enjoy my readers~Light♡

No one's pov:

Tsukishima and hinata argued once again it was always like this, tsukishima would come home late and ignore Hinata and his sexual needs. One day they got in a fight that was predicted Hinata wanted a divorce. He still loved tsukishima but he felt as if tsukishima didn't know he existed he was always focused on work. "Not everything's about sex shoyo!" "That's not it! You don't spend time with me,you don't even eat with me, damn it you barley look at me!" "I have to work!" "Work work work even on your day off you work ugh!" Hinata stormed off slamming the door and taking a cab towards the Yamayama apartment and knocking on the door waiting for an answer

With Yamayama

"C'mon Tobio just a bit more" "I I can't it's ah too big" "is it really?" Tadashi dug his nails into kageyama's sides while Kageyama moaned in pain and pleasure "T Tadashi ngh~" Kageyama bit his lips trying to not let any more moans out of his mouth. Knocks were heard from outside "Tobio? Tadashi?" "S Shoyo's outside" "Damn" Yamaguchi pulled out and put some clothes on (boxers and a shirt) Yamaguchi opened the door "hey shoyo I was just getting changed come in" Hinata stared at Kageyama in the back struggling to put boxers on "did I come at a wrong time?" Yamaguchi sighed "you're not a virgin come in" he pushed Hinata inside the room. "So what you're saying is that tsuki focuses more on work than you" Hinata nodded "boke Hinata!" Kageyama yelled "he obviously needs to work so that he can get you out of the shitty apartment you live in and get a house" "I want to help him but everytime I mention getting work he says no and tells me that he'll work for the both of us" "Then why don't we get him to pay attention to you" "uh Yamaguchi how?" "By having sex with another person" Hinata once again stared in shock was Yamaguchi suggesting that he cheats well maybe if he hired someone to have sex with him but don't do anything that would except Hinata didn't have money and if he got it from his savings account tsukishima would get suspicious. "I don't have any money" "I'll do it for free" Yamaguchi took off his shirt revealing once again his abs "now shoyo you're not my type but I'll make it work" Yamaguchi pinned Hinata down ripping his shirt, sucking on his nipples "ngh" he moved down to his crotch teasing his nipples while slowly rubbing them while he jerked Hinata off. He took off his shorts completely, entering one of his fingers into Hinata's ass "You're so soft" he entered a second thrusting them in and out at a fast pace he entered a third finger one of them slightly jabbing his prostate *knock knock* "hey Tobio let him in" Kageyama opened the door showing tsukishima the show. "Let him go" tsukishima growled "C'mon Tsuki let me fuck him you can fuck Tobio he looks like he needs a dick inside of him and well you're really horny" he laughed looking at tsukishima's noticable boner. Yamaguchi pulled out his fingers making hinata whine while Yamaguchi put on a condom on his cock. "Don't worry cutie I'll put it in real quick~" and he did he positioned his cock inside of hinata making him scream "ngh AaaAhh" "ngh you're so fucking tight ha" "Pull it out!" "Doesn't look like he wants it out look at him" Yamaguchi roughly grabbed Hinata's face to show his erotic face, his eyes were half lided, face flushed red and drool hanging from his mouth "M more ahh~" "c'mon cutie Tsuki doesn't believe me show him you want it" "Y yes I want more" "there you go" "tch" tsukishima grabbed Kageyama roughly pinning him on the wall biting his neck down to his chest stopping at his nipples sucking them and lightly biting them. Somehow tsukishima got Kageyama on his knees and sucking his dick. Tsukishima's head was thrown back as he let out soft moans "deeper" he said as he grabbed kageyama's head and went deeper touching the parts he couldn't reach. Tsukishima had enough he told Kageyama to go on the bed and he went tsukishima took off his shirt,pants and underwear. And without warning thrusting his cock inside of Kageyama who was a bit tight "c crap ngh ahh" he thrusted harder his cock getting bigger and bigger from the erotic situation "f fuck me harder ngh" "ha such a slut" he did exactly was he said and changed their position to where he could see his face. "Ahh ngh Tadashi" "hey now king I'm fucking you not him moan out my name" tsukishima put all of his cock in making Kageyama moan louder "AAAHHHH! F fuck I'm gonna ack c cum ahh" Kageyama came but so did Hinata the two faced each other holding hands,making out, and moaning while the tops fucked them to their hearts content. Kageyama and Hinata stopped kissing and instead focused on the tops kissing them and moaning out there name "f fuck me harder t Tadashi ngh!" "H harder kei" the tops smirked and said momentously "Your wish is my command" "ahh yes ahh Tadashi fuck ahh I'm your slut ahh!" "K kei ahh just like that ahh I'm yours ahhh all yours"

I umm hope you enjoyed it. I can't believe I took forever on this and it turned out so horrible ugh I'm so sorry~Light♡

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