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Shoyo hinata sat on the bench and observed his other teammates play, well thats what he was supposed to be doing but instead he found his full attention on a certain someone's hands and that certain someone was Kei tsukishima. Shoyo noticed how his hands would curve when he blocked how his fists would fold a pumped up fist when he succeeded and how he would clench his fists when he failed shoyo slapped his face and tried to concentrate on something else but practice was over "Hey shrimpy notice anything other than my hands?" "What! Of course I did and I didn't even look at your hands in the first place!" "Sure shrimp" he turned to leave "really I wasn't!" Shoyo rambled until he ran into kei "okay hinata I get it but just so you know if hypothetically you were "observing" my hands I wouldn't get mad" shoyo blinked "You wouldn't?" "Why would I?" Practice ended and everyone went home. Shoyo couldn't concentrate and instead decided to draw a bit he recalled his conversation with kei and recalled all the curves and lines on his arms and hands how perfect his finger nails were with the exception of a few chips, his drawing made him flush did this mean he liked him or was it simply his hands? He didn't know and he didn't really want to find out if he was honest.

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