Day 4

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Ok day 4 attempt at humour I'm going to fail at this so enjoy ig?~Light♡ TW: FANNON CHARACTERS

Tsukishima's pov:

I walked to the gym alone today yamaguchi and hinata went ahead and said they'd meet me there. But I heard screaming come from the gym so I ran towards it. "Theres no fucking way thats me!" "d d d d d d d d don't say f f f f f f fuck uwu" "who taught you to say fuck! Ù^Ú" "Yeah that's not me I'm out let daichi deal with this" "HOW CAN YOU LEAVE YOUR BABY CROWS WILL BE ALONE" "I'm not their fucking parent and they're teenagers they can take care of themselves" "DON'T SAY FUCK YOU'LL BE A BAD INFLUENCE ON THEM" "h h h h h h h hey k k k k k Kageyama 👉👈" "S S S S S SHUT UP YOU CUTE BOKE" I tried finding Kageyama and yamaguchi only to find them laughing their asses off "TADASHI!" "Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YES TSUKI?" "come here you idiot" "o o o o o o o o o o of course tsuki" The gym door opened and in came kiyoko I was guessing she was the real one "I feel bad for kiyoko now she has to deal with two sets of nishinoya's and tanaka's" "KIYOKO-SAN!" both sets of tanaka's and nishinoya's ran to her except the more weirder ones kneeled on her feet and started to kiss the very floor. Poor kiyoko looked even more weirded out than before "what are you guys doing?" normal noya asked "kiyoko's a goddess so we worship the very ground she walks" the fannon noya said "yeah but she's still a human being she's beautiful and amazing but don't you think you weird her out by doing that? She needs her personal space bros" "please she doesn't need any space bro and I'll beat you up if you try to to talk to me again >:)" "what's with the emoticon at the end?" "don't know man they're weird" "come on everyone lets all be holy about this and talk about our lord and savior who sacrificed himself so commit to him amen." I stared at him for at least well I don't know a long time, we all knew asahi believed in god but he never brought up religion and never told us to 'commit to him'. "Hey sho?" "yeah?" "this isn't real right?" "hopefully other me is an UwU innocent boy who stammers and can't say fuck without other suga getting mad" "Yeah I'm going to skip practice you gonna come?" "yeah as much as I love volleyball I can't deal with his shit"

I got the whole chat laughing huh well ima do day five so yeah bye have a gn or gm or a good afternoon :)~Light

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