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"Thank you tsukishima, this is pretty nice of you" tsukishima scoffed "Y'know I'm not mean full time right?" Hinata smiled "but aren't you?" "Just cause I get mad at the king doesn't mean I'm mad at you" "right after all I'm your love~" hinata said teasingly, tsukishima threw a pillow at him his face red and anxiously staring at the door "shut it and study" "Okay okayyy" they heard a ding from tsukishimas phone "Who is it?" "I think it's my mom she's calling" tsukishima rushed to his phone to answer "Yes?" "Hey kei, I'm stuck at work and I don't think I'll come in time to take your friend to his house so he can stay over" tsukishima looked at hinata who was jumping up and down and silently screaming "Do you want me to bring you something warm for you and your friend?" "Is it raining?" "Did you not notice?" "We had music on and the curtains were closed" "oh well I got to go take care" "You too mom" he hanged up and faced hinata who was grinning wildly tsukishima sighed "You're lucky I love you" "I know" he gave tsukishima a kiss "since it's raining can we take a raincheck on studying?" "Fine" hinata hurried to tsukishimas bed, got the remote and pat a spot next to him "come here!! What movie?" "Mortal Kombat" they quickly put the movie and snuggled into the blanket feeling it's warmth they loved rainy days especially when they were together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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