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Tw: self harming, suicide and rape.

To hinata's eyes society was disappointing take his boyfriend for an example. tsukishima was a transgender male who passed but someone outed him and everyone knew. They constantly misgendered him on purpose the only escape he got was when he was with his boyfriend hinata and when he was playing volleyball. The team didn't know what tsukishima was going through mentally and physically but hinata did. "I can't let them win shoyo but I can't help it. It hurts so much I can't go through the halls without hearing the repulsive nicknames they give me I struggle not to cry why did this happen how did they even know?" Tsukishima asked gritting his teeth "I don't know how hard it is but if you do this" hinata said gently grabbing tsukishimas hand and showing his wrist "they'll think they won" "Well they did! I can't see myself at all I hate this sho I don't want to be here" he said confessing "Well" hinata said grabbing tsukishima in a hug "You're not a school today you're at your boyfriends house and you're staying here until I let you leave and the only thing you can think of is how amazing you are" tsukishima smiled he liked how hinata comforted him "I love you sho you're the best boyfriend ever" "No I have the most amazing boyfriend ever whom I'll love unconditionally because he's perfect and handsome" hinata said whilst cupping tsukishima's face giving him a kiss. Tsukishima laughed "sho I wanna sleep over" "really?" Hinata said excitedly tsukishima almost never slept over "Yeah let me just call my mom" "Yeah!" While tsukishima called his mom, hinata set up the bed with some dinosaur plushies he had to comfort tsukishima he turned on his light which presented stars and the moon onto the ceiling. He turned on the TV and put something he knew would cheer tsukishima up he hurried up and put the percy jackson show on "She said I could" "Great!" Hinata patted a spot on the bed next to him and said "come here!" Tsukishima nodded "sho can we talk?" Hinata turned towards him a bit nervous thinking that tsukishima might want to break up with him "Y yeah sure" tsukishima laughed "Don't worry I'm not breaking up with you" "oh phew" hinata sighed "So what did you want to talk about?" He said with a smile "If something happens to me I want you to forget about me and be happy" his smile vanished "Hey c'mon kei don't talk like that!" He said gently punching tsukishima in in shoulder "Yeah you're right" "yeah now open your arms I want to hug you" they watched the show and turned it off when they wanted to fall asleep. The next morning tsukishima was up early and was helping hinata's mom cook breakfast "keii you should've stayed with me" hinata said frowning a bit "Well at least he's trying to help his mother in law while his boyfriend is sleeping" "ay mama" "que?" "Me quieres robar mi novio" hinata said with a frown "don't worry she's not robbing me" tsukishima was learning a bit of Spanish since hinata, his mom and Natsu were all Hispanic "see I just appreciate your boyfriend since he's so kind and cooks excellent he's excellent husband material" "Oh thank you!" Tsukishima loved the hinata house hold they were all kind and loveable he couldn't help but smile "Well come sit down and eat it's going to get cold" "okay I'm going!" They ate and spent the night till tsukishima had to leave "Get there safely!" "I will!" "Bye!!" Hinata said frantically waving "Bye!" Tsukishima said waving aswell "I love you kei!" Tsukishima smiled even in their first date hinata would always say I love you "I love you too!!" 'Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry anymore you want his last memory of you to be happy' as tsukishima walked home he heard voices calling him those repulsive names again when they were out of hearing and seeing range he took off his sweater even in a cold November night he was sweating profoundly. When he took off his sweater those people came again and they saw his old scars and new cuts "awe look the honest things we say have caused her to cut herself" "aww cmon you're making us feel guilty for hurting such a little girl" tsukishima gritted his teeth and laughed "Little?" He stood at his height "Don't be little pathetic liars after all you keep saying untruthful things such as calling me little, she and girl." He said walking closer to them a little afraid but what did he have to risk? "I'm more of a man than any of you who refuse to treat human beings like human beings you're lucky we treat trash like you as humans otherwise who knows what would've become of all of you" "Bold things coming from a person of you're type" "My type?" "Yeah a stupid (not saying it even if I'm trans. Don't say it in the comments either) what else could you possibly be?" Tsukishima stood there quietly and he turned away "Hey! Don't you try to run away!" Tsukishima ignored him and kept walking "If you keep going we'll tell everyone that you cut and that'll definitely hurt your little boyfriend's reputation after all he wants to be a famous volleyball player" Tsukishima flinched and kept his eyes to the ground thinking how hinata would react to that what if he hurt hinata by letting them do that? He turned and stood "What do you want" The three smiled thinking the same thing "follow us" he had to follow them he didn't want anything they said to hurt hinata. They reached an old warehouse, the three went inside so tsukishima followed they stopped and one of the three gave him a simple order "strip" tsukishima froze and grit his teeth "What" "You heard me strip" tsukishima looked around there was only two of the three boys there he wondered where the third one was "come on what are you waiting for? Do you not like your boyfriend enough to do this?" Tsukishima took of his shirt leaving his binder out on the open, he took off his pants and folded them neatly "Everything take off every single clothing" tsukishima bit his tongue and took off everything "Now that's what I like too see" the two boys walked over to tsukishima even if he was tall he was just skin and bones so they quickly overpowered him. He was fighting back his tears wishing that they stopped, wanting someone to come and make them stop, he closed his eyes not wanting to see the boy having his way "Come on aren't you enjoying this" tsukishima didn't respond he didn't want to open his mouth already knowing what would come out of it he knew he would beg the boy to stop, to take it out and he knew that he would cry he already knew that the boy wouldn't stop even if he begged him even if he cried. The only thing he could do was close his eyes and imagine that he was with hinata in his house eating with him, laying down with him and watching his favorite show while hinata hugged him and played with his hair. 'I love you shoyo I'm sorry' he kept repeating in his mind "my turn is over" tsukishima closed his eyes as he heard a camera sound implying someone took a picture he turned his face. "Come on cry a little, beg we want nice videos and pictures of you" tsukishima bit his lip a tear trickling down his cheek as he felt something wet on his face "Your face is pretty such a shame you're a (again not saying don't say it in the comments either)" "it really is such a shame but hey" he said while touching tsukishimas chest "at least we know you're body is a girls" he said chuckling "hey you came already it's my turn" "ahh fuck fine go ahead" the third boy went over but quickly said "Hey I don't want to be watched and take the camera with you" "tch fine we'll go and let her stay don't take her with you leave her here if she can walk chain her actually" "Okay" when the two boys left he quickly handed tsukishima his clothes "I'm sorry I really am I have a friend who will help you I'm sorry tsukishima I hope you will forgive me" he turned away "What's the point in turning away you already saw everything" "I didn't help I was too much of a coward and I just watched" tsukishima changed and said something to him "Do me a favor" "O of course" "You took photos and videos instead of cropping them out make them the bad guys just like they are" "What do you want me to do with it?" "Hang them everywhere" "Won't it affect you?" Tsukishima laughed his tears escaping he couldn't say that this was the final straw and that he'd be dead by tomorrow morning "Don't worry about me" he walked away ignoring the person the third boy told him about. For tsukishima kei November 7 was the coldest and darkest night of all he walked to his house and took a shower knowing his mom wasn't there. He saw every mark they made he couldn't help but cry he held it in so far but he couldn't help it anymore he cut himself everywhere his veins popped he couldn't help but think of hinata till the end he sent him a short message 'I love you sho I'm sorry I couldn't deal with it' he walked to the kitchen and got a chair and a thick rope from underneath his bed and hanged himself his blood leaking from his cuts.

Tsukishima looked more peaceful in death then he ever did in life his lifeless body showing all he went through his scars new and old. The bite marks the bruises and the repulsive kissing marks they gave him. Hinata showed up too late he saw his boyfriends body. He fell to his knees crying wishing he was there earlier till he too took his life he cut himself and died from bloodloss two cases of suicide one killing himself from self hatred and suffering the other killing himself to not be separated from his soul mate everyone called it the soulmate test case. The three boys were charged 18 years in prison for sexually  assaulting a minor. The one who let tsukishima got 10 years since he was an accomplice.

Note- I know that in this story tsukishima thought it was his fault but if this ever happens to you just remember it's never your fault and if you need to talk my dms are open and my discord will be on my bio if needed. If anyone does this to you please remember you did nothing to cause it no matter what people say, the person at fault is the one who did that to you please do not think that you caused it.

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