The difference between fantasy and reality

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Every day kei tsukishima would dream of speaking to the sun he wasn't talking to the actual sun of course but instead the sun was a refrence to a boy he liked shoyo hinata the social butterfly he only came to know him for both he and shoyo we're in volleyball and would play together and make small conversations for kei was someone who couldn't quite know how to talk with someone so energetic and no matter how much he wanted to talk more he couldn't. But in his dreams they had endless conversations about lots of things and in some of those beautiful dreams he asked shoyo out on a date and that would evolve into them dating but he would always wake up in the reality where they were nothing to each other not even friends and they couldn't be called acquaintances they weren't even that. "Why can't this world be like my dreams where me and shoyo can be one with each other loving each others embrace and even their presence" he sighed as he confided in his best friend Tadashi yamaguchi "Well maybe you should ask him out?" "I should but" "c'mon tsuki no buts if you can do it in your dreams you can do it in reality" Tsukishima kept quiet there was no way he could do it but he knew he would have to reply or Tadashi wouldn't leave it alone "sure Tadashi I'll try" "great now let's do our poetry homework" he said while flashing a big smile while kei already finished his, he drew a sketch of shoyo and wrote a little short paragraph 'Just as your name you shine as brighly as the sun you are the sun to me a bit too much energetic but that's what makes you you and that part is very likeable especially when you're being yourself just as my name means I'm the moon and you're the sun and just like the moon I wouldn't mind at all seeing you shine bright even if I'm far or not near at all it'd be a privilege to see you be the sun.' A day passed and Tsukishima didn't feel well but he had a "friend" deliver the message and made him swear not to tell who it was from "Yeah yeah I promise you don't have to worry Tsukishima" "Thanks kageyama" "Yeah you owe me one" kageyama deliverd the paper without revealing who wrote it. He didn't need to he already knew who wrote it. Kei tsukishima the boy shoyo liked. He quickly ran to one of kei's classrooms and walked back dejected when he found out kei tsukishima was absent. He looked at his seat sadly wishing his moon could be here even if he was just staring at him from behind.

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