Day 2

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Misunderstandings! Hope you enjoy!~Light♡  ps. Ooc tsukishima and hinata ig idk I actually like switch tsukihina and smoker hinata + they have their own apartment

No one's pov:

Tsukishima casually looked at hinata remembering last night hinata looked at him and winked before walking away to join Kageyama for practice.

Last night :)

"S shit sho I mo more ah~" tsukishima's face was erotic. Drool coming out of his mouth his eyes rolled back and his face was flushed red as he begged his supposedly bottom boyfriend for more "fuck" Hinata panted, sweat dripping on his forehead and his cock wet with precum "dammit kei you really are a whore" (my phone corrected this to white 😃) "o only for y-" he didn't get to finish as hinata thrusted hitting tsukishima's G spot and abusing it non stop. It never mattered how many times they did it that night hinata always slowly looked for tsukishima's prostate. Tsukishima panted lowly moaning tired, his neck filled with hickeys "shoyo we have ah school" tsukishima came that one last time and fainted, hinata sighed "come on kei stop faking" hinata thrusted once all that came was a small moan but nothing else hinata reached towards tsukishima's dick, it wasn't hard. "Dammit" hinata muttered to himself pulling out, taking care of tsukishima and then changing "why is it that I'm suck a fucking sex beast with you?" He sighed and walked towards their balcony taking a cigarette, lighting it up and smoking it "s shoyo come here" hinata laughed a little it was nice to see tsukishima broken "I want to sleep with you shrimp" "still with the nickname I see" "of course I have a reputation to uphold"

Present time

Practice was over everyone changed "hey tsuki what bit you" tanaka snickered at his own comment knowing the answer while looking at tsukishima's hickeys surrounding his neck, nipples and back, hinata started taking off his shirt revealing his scratches,bites and hickeys. Tanaka and well everyone looked at the two back and forth till they bursted out laughing diachi left first before patting tsukishima in the back "hinata has a killer stamina so be careful" he left with sugawara still laughing. Asahi passed the two and quietly mummered into Hinata's ear "Don't go easy on him" hinata smirked and replied to him "I won't" Kageyama shockingly looked at Yamaguchi "Tsukishima's a bottom?" Yamaguchi stared at Kageyama in the same shocked stare "Hinata's a top?"

I have no idea where this was heading but I wanted to do top hinata and tsukihina as switches so I hope you enjoyed~Light♡

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