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Request:lazyhooman8 enjoy my dear readers~Light♡

Tsukishima's pov:

Four random days shoyo would get clingy to any person he hugged it was me two days and on the third day it happened to be Yamaguchi which caused the king to get jealous which would've been funny if I hadn't gotten jealous too. All of this has happened on week days so maybe it won't happen today. "Hmm good morning kei" "Good morning angel" "You're already ready?" "Yeah I'll go make breakfast for us" "k" he hugged me "alright angel I gotta go" "but I don't want you too" right now are you serious how we can't skip school "angel we have to go" "fine let me take a shower" "I'll make some food" He nodded and went away hopefully he finishes on time "Kei I'm done" *achoo* I turn around he's sick so we'll have to stay home ugh I'll have to ask Tadashi to cover for me "angel go lay back down" "but I don't want to be alone" "your sick I'll make you something to eat" "ok you'll come back though?" "Yes angel I'll be right there" He nodded and went to my room

Hinata's pov:

I went to kei's room I didn't want him to skip classes but he said I should stay what if he goes and leaves me alone? Panic starts reaching and taking over me and before I know it I start crying would he break up with me? "Angel I got your food" "angel?" "K kei you won't break up with me r right?" "Why would I?" "Why not?" "So what if your clingy four times a month and get sick easily I still love you" "R really?" "Yes angel" he brings his hands to my eyes and wipes my tears "Now let's eat" I nod and began eating "ahh choo" "bless you" "thanks" "I should get you medicine" as kei begans to stand up I get up and stick myself to him "angel" "I don't want to let you go" "fine hang on tight then" we went downstairs luckily for us kei's parents were huge clean freaks and kept everything in complete order "foot medicine... Eye medicine... mouth medicine... Here we go cold medicine" he turns around and we go back to the room "ahh choo" "bless you angel" "mhm" he opens the door and in we go he leaves me in the bed. Going back downstairs to get a cup of water. "Here you go drink up" he hands me the pill and water "kei do I have too?" "I want you to feel better angel" "ok" I put the pill in my mouth and drink some water swallowing all I finish swallowing and take out my tongue showing him. He walks over and pats head "Good boy are you feeling better?" "A bit" "ahh choo" "it didn't work then" "ahh choo" "sorry" "it's alright angel" i hang my head in shame "how about we cuddle and watch some movies?" "Yeah let's do that" I let him go for a moment so that he could get the blankets. As soon as he puts them on me I sneeze one more time and slowly fall asleep "I love you shoyo Hinata"

The end

This has to be my worst work I'm so sorry I haven't updated we went to my grandma's house for my birthday and we barley got back today her wifi isn't stable enough to publish chapters. Anyways I'm very sorry that this is so bad I'm very sorry to the person who requested this I'm very disappointed in myself.-Light♡
Challenge:try to guess how old I am

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