A winter day:Fluff

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Enjoy my dear readers~Light♡

No one's pov:
"Kei! Kei! Kei!" "Yeah?" "Stop reading and pay attention" kei stopped reading and went towards the window which Shoyo was leaning towards "I'm paying attention" "let's go outside it's snowing!" "Shoyo you're acting like a child" "so?" Kei sighed it didn't matter to him if Shoyo acted like a child that was part of his characteristic and if Shoyo wasn't Shoyo then he would've never have fallen in love with him he loved his soon to be husband more than his own life "kei? What are waiting for let's go!" Shoyo jumped up and down waiting for kei to get his scarf and go "here you go sho" kei handed him ear muffs "why?" "So that your adorable ears don't get frozen" Shoyo blushed "o ok let's go!" He got kei from his hand pulling towards the outside filled with beautiful white snow "kei let's build a snowman!" "Sure" "You do the bottom I'll do the middle" "hey sho what about the top?" "Whoever finished faster gets to do it!" Kei sighed another characteristic he loved about his lover is that he turned everything into a competition "Sho I finished" "That fast?" "Yup" "hmph you win" "I want a different prize" "what do you want?" "A kiss" "ok" Shoyo blushed and moved towards kei to give him his reward but he kept getting nervous so kei took the lead and practically jumped on Shoyo just to get a kiss "You're like a dog kei" "really I always thought I was like a cat"  "hmm no cats are quiet they don't taunt like you do" Kei dramatically touched his chest and said "ouch that wounded me my love" "hehehe kei I love you" "me too Shoyo" "maybe a winter day was what we needed to calm down on the volleyball frenzy" "haha wait till the captain hears you say that" "yeah but yama wouldn't kick me out plus I'm the vice captain" "yeah that's true"
Do I have any idea where I was going with this? Nope not even one i never know where they're headed well this time for reals goodnight my dear  readers~Light ♡

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