Day 1

884 14 13

This was meant to be published yesterday but internet problems 😢 enjoy!~Light♡

No one's pov:

Hinata woke up to the sound of his alarm "ugh" he could've woken up kei if he knew where kei was "kei?" Tsukishima walked through the door "shoyo wake up!" Hinata stared at tsukishima "oh uh breakfast is ready" "ok is natsou awake?" (I didn't know what to name the child) "yeah she's awake she already ate" "ok tell her to brush her teeth" "she wants to see you first" hinata sighed and smiled he loved being his daughters favorite "I'm going" he walked downstairs while Tsukishima changed hinata saw his lovely daughter washing her dish "natsou!" "Papa!" Even though natsou was adopted she looked like tsukishima and hinata she had hinata's hair and tsukishima's eyes and just like her dad she needed glasses and just like her papa she was energetic. "Are you ready for school!" "No!" "Let's go brush your teeth" "no papa needs to eat too" "did dad already eat?" "Yeah!" "Ok I'll eat" he ate his pancakes with bacon and drank his banana chocolate milkshake "there now let's go brush your teeth" "Ok papa" hinata and natsou walked hand in hand towards the restroom to brush her teeth as soon as she finished brushing her teeth she asked questions "papa is it weird that I have two dad's?" "Why would it be weird?" "All the kids in my school have a dad and a mom not a dad and papa I feel bad for them" hinata smiled "do they know you have two dad's?" "No they think dad is my uncle" "well how about we both take you to school?" Natsou's eyes lit up never had both of her dad's taken her to school together "Really?!" "Yeah!" "Ok!" Tsukishima walked into the restroom "Why are both of you so energetic now?" "Papa said you're both going to take me preschool" tsukishima looked at hinata "we do have our parent teacher conference today" hinata replied to his confused stare "alright well let's hurry it up go put on your shoes natsou" "ok dad" natsou left grinning widely "Have you thought about sho?" "Well we don't want them to think she just has her papa and his friend do you" tsukishima stared at hinata before kissing him "that's a good reason" hinata pulled back from the kiss as natsou presented herself holding her "I'm ready!" Both tsukishima and hinata grinned "let's go" the three walked out tsukishima carrying natsou and hinata carrying natsou's backpack.

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