A different type of person

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To kei, in case you're wondering how I know you I've been observing you for a while and maybe I want to know more about you then just how you look and your name. How about this we play 20 questions and we leave this in umm tobio kageyama's locker in your first period class I'll ask him to have his consent please reply I'm already embarrassed and if you don't answer I'll be even more embarrassed - unknown person who likes you romanticly (just call me eros I guess)

Hinata quickly slid the paper into the desk that kei would always sit in sliding it into  his school writing book "please get this" he exited the classroom quietly going back to his dorm sliding into his bed which was the bottom bunk "where have you been?" Hinata stiffled a frightened gasp and slowly breathed out "Oh you're awake good I'll tell you now" "What are you getting me involved in now" "Well there's this guy kei he's cute I wanna know more about him mostly how long it'll take me to get him to sleep with me and-" tobio shut him off "In what way do you want him to sleep with you based of what I heard about him I need you answer now and I'll tell you after" "Any way would suffice" hinata could hear the gears turning in Tobio's head wondering what it could possibly be that could cause this reaction. Tobio looked at shoyo one more time and decided against it. "You can ask him tomorrow I'm tired go to sleep" he said putting his covers back on "uh okay good night then?" Hinata said before going to wash and brush his teeth wanting to look presentable in case he had any interaction with kei. He got in his pijamas on his bed and fell asleep hoping his future interactions with kei would go well

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