What is love? pt.1

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You would think that someone who had lots of relationships with people of different gender identities would know what love is but hinata really didn't know and he never really cared until someone would ask him if he truly loved whomever he was dating the time, he would turn to them, smile and then say "I haven't got a clue" and walk away. Some would look in pity others in wonder but he didn't care as long as he would be certain if he had any romantic interest, see hinata thought that loving someone was different than having a romantic interest in them and he was right if you loved someone you would do whatever they wanted just for them and them alone but he had never felt like that before and he never had but to him having a romantic interest meant the same except you weren't fully devoted you were still yourself and you were free to be yourself without having to be your best self since you already know one of you would break up. "Hinata do you truly love tsukishima or is he just like the rest?" Hinata stared at the person of course Kenma would be the one asking the question he had a somewhat healthy poly relationship with bokuto,akaash, and kuroo despite them all being opposites they got along well and were the campus couple of their collage. "Who knows it might be just another romantic interest" and with that class started and their conversation ended.

Tsukishima Kei was the skeptical type. He was tall not too tall, slender but not too slender and his face was like a staute expressionless but filled with beauty and curiosity he was exactly the type that could pull glasses and the type that would date anyone but he would mostly date girls which truly put pressure into the sexual part since tsukishima kei was and has always been asexual and that put quite a strain on every relationship with everyone he dated. "Heyyyy tsuki-poo" he laughed and looked at his friends bokuto and kuroo "Hey where's kenma?" "He already went to one of his classes" kuroo explained "I better be going I definitely don't want to miss science later bo" he said kissing bokuto in the cheek "and see you later tsuki" "see you later kuroo" tsukishima said waving good bye too him "You still freeze when they kiss you don't you?" "Well I mean it's just ughhh it's unbelievable I'm dating them I mean not just kuroo but y'know Kenma and akaashi too" "well you better get used well you actually should be used to it by now" "I should but I probably won't" bokuto said adding a sigh "have you interacted with hinata?" Ah yes tsukishima recognized the orange haired male. He stared at tsukishima as if he was a staute, analyzing him and staring he didn't mind it he would also analyze and stare at the smaller male until they both had to look away but if they hadn't or looked away they would stare as to see who would get flustered. "No I haven't" "Well you should but you're in the writing course so you won't see him that often besides the library" "What course is he in?" "Designing and fashion" "then we won't see each other" "yeah if you ask me that kind of sucks" bokuto said as he sucked air through his teeth and hit tsukishima gently in the back "well thank you bokuto but I better get going I want to see what the topic today is on so that I get a head start" "y'know if they graded on being early you would get an A+" "Yeah sadly they don't grade on being early well bye see you four at lunch" "mhm bye" they both walked there separate ways. As soon as tsukishima walked and sat down he took out his computer, his notebook,pen/pencils and his headphones so that he could listen to music as he wrote. He searched for the board groaning on the topic with big black letters written on it "what is love to you?"  Tsukishima would probably have to interview some people but he wrote one thing before sinking into endless research

Love can be diffrent things to different people to me love is having someone to read, watch movies with, eat, but to me physical loving affection without any sexual intentions is something that would truly matter to me, someone that knows how to show me affection without it having to have any sexual intentions to me love is something that changes back and forth it never stays the same but one thing that never changes is that it is forever interesting.

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