Day 3

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Enjoy!~Light♡ someone is Transgender in this I don't know who since I'm making up plot twist as I go so expect someone trans and weird unrelated Haikyuu plot twists (that's literally the whole fandom pls) anyways hope you enjoy!~Light♡ btw please keep in mind that this is all random with some hc

No one's pov:

Kei tsukishima the handsome middle blocker since his name is gender neutral no one questions his gender also due to the fact that he's tall he had great luck with his height everyone knew he was a boy because of it but the one thing he hated was his body mostly his upper body,chest that completely said "I'm big so I'm a girl because no big chested mommy milker guy can get me this big (same tsuki I mean who wants to have boobs? No offense to my wonderful girls or anybody who wants to have boobs I'm sorry if this offends you) "hey Tadashi" tsukishima called out to his only friend who knew about him "yeah tsuki?" "I need to change my binder tell them I'm in the restroom but don't tell them about the binder situation" "don't worry tsuki I won't" tsukishima blushed knowing full well he could trust Yamaguchi but he couldn't completely come to trust somebody who knew the actual him "thanks Tadashi" tsukishima smiled at him and Yamaguchi smiled back "No problem tsuki" tsukishima ran off to the restroom hoping no one was there.

Tsukishima's pov:

I took off my shirt leaving my shirt under my binder and my binder and (AN: correct me if I'm wrong I don't use a binder since I'm not accepted so I don't know how to put it on please correct me if I wrote it wrong) I took of everything but my binder slowly taking it off preparing to look away as to not look at my chest It's not that I don't like boobs I'm bisexual so I like both girls and boys I have a preference for mostly boys though. I took off my binder letting my chest get some air I looked in the mirror (it's a bathroom for one person only ig?) "Kei tsukishima" I told myself "Just like Tadashi tells you" I pointed to my mirror self "You are a real boy just as real as pinocho" "tsukishima has boobs and not mommy milkers?" I stared in horror at the person who had the audacity to tell me that. Out of everyone it had to be the shrimp "hinata" he stared before running screaming in terror "TSUKISHIMA GOT POSSESSED BY A GHOST" "shit" I quietly muttered to myself I put on my binder and shirt as quickly as I could "Hinata come back!" I ran towards him. Once I reached him I grabbed him, pulling him towards somewhere "Listen shrimpy you can't tell anyone" I looked at him wanting to confirm his answer but all I saw was that he was crying "Hey shrimpy why are you crying" "You're" "I'm a boy" "I know that but now I also know you won't love me" I stared at him "shrimpy by any chance do you like me?" "I've been dropping hints for a while but thanks for noticing" I smiled a bit, I wiped away his tears "don't cry I like you too it's just I know your gay so I thought you wouldn't want me" "Well I'm actually not gay I'm pan and even if I was gay you're a handsome boy why wouldn't I?" I smiled "yeah you're right"

Was this good enough of a plot twist? Please don't get offended about anything I said regarding the majority of the female body if I offended you I'm sorry and I made this as I went so I don't know if I spelt pinocho right and the pinocho part was based off what my bsf said to me. Overall I hoped you enjoyed and if you want me to just do a number because you know I'm not gonna update regularly day after day feel free to pick a number!~Light♡

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