Just a game pt.2:Smut

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This is my first time writing smut so please be kind -Light~

It's just a game baby boy~ Tsukishima whispered near hinata's ear making the orange haired boy shiver and whimper under tsukishima's lustful gaze he tried to avoid it but he couldn't instead he gave in. "Hey sho turn around yeah?" "O ok kei" Hinata turned around facing tsukishima while sitting in his lap tsukishima tilted hinata's mouth towards him and kissed him Hinata kissed back tsukishima asking Hinata for entrance yet Hinata declined making himself hard to get tsukishima groped (is that even a word?) Hinata's ass making Hinata moan leaving kei room to enter he explored hinata's wet cavern making him moan "K kei I want you" "Fuck baby boy you make it hard to hold back" Hinata got off tsukishima's lap while Tsukishima stood up and closed the door so that their cat and dog wouldn't get inside the room Tsukishima took off his shirt revealing his abs making Hinata whimper in need "hmm impatient aren't we?" Tsukishima went back to the bed reaching Hinata and taking his shirt off making hickeys here and there. "Ah Tsuki~" tsukishima stopped giving him hickeys and instead started playing with his nipples Hinata bit his lip making sure not to be loud "let me hear those beautiful noises~" Tsukishima went to Hinata's nipples licking them and putting them in his mouth using his tongue sucking on them "mmmmh tsuki!" Tsukishima stopped and took off his pants along with his boxers pulling out his 9 inched dick "Tsuki?" "Suck" was all tsukishima said yet Hinata knew what it meant he lowered his head facing tsukishima's dick his hot mouth hovering above it Tsukishima being an inpatient Dom pushed hinata's head to swallow his cock "mhm" "I'll make you feel good too" he took off hinata's pants and his panties "such a naughty boy wearing panties?" Hinata stopped sucking tsukishima's cock and hung his head in shame "I wanted to know how it felt" "Don't be embarrassed they look so cute on you angel" Hinata blushed distracting him from the fact that tsukishima entered a finger into Hinata he only noticed when tsukishima started thrusting his finger into Hinata "ahnn kei!" Another finger was added "ohhhh kei!!" And a cock was entered tsukishima couldn't wait he started thrusting into Hinata "ahhh Kei wait!" "Ahn Too big!" Drool was spilling from hinata's mouth "kei!!" "I'm really sorry angel but I couldn't wait" "it's al- ohhhh right there kei please! Ah ah!" Slutty moans and groans filled the room "kei I'm about to cum!" "Go ahead angel!" "Ahhhhh!!! Kei!!!" "Fuck" tsukishima was still thrusting holding hinata's waist closer to him "Kei!!!" "Just stay like that for a while longer" "ahhhhh!!!" "Fuck" "Kei!!! Kei!!! Ahhhhh! Kei!!!" "Shoyo I'm about to cum!" "C cum inside me!" "Fuck!" Tsukishima cummed inside Hinata pulling out but instead of his cum rushing out of hinata's ass he got a butt plug and put it inside him "kei?" "Leave it there if you take out I'll punish you" "ok can we take a shower?" "Sure" the two took a shower and went out unlocking the door so that their cat and dog could come in
This was my first time writing smut -////-  please tell me anything I can improve and if you guys want more smut please tell me-Light~♡

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