I would (non diary version)

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Tsukishima's pov:

Practice is over and yet the duo are still practicing I honestly don't give a shit about the king just bout the shrimp his white shirt and sweat made his body very seeable. You could see his chest, his pink nipples and muscles he did say he was working out with tanaka-senpai. If I worked out would he notice me? "tsuki~" "yeah?" "You're staring" "shit do you think he noticed" "no I don't think anybody would notice a tall blonde boy with his face flushed red and an obvious half boner?" "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic" "I am" I sighed "cake?" "Strawberry cake" I agreed. The next day hinata wasn't at school neither was nishinoya so we didn't practice. "Tsuki are you ok?" "Yeah why?" "I didn't want to tell you but you're giving a 'get the fuck away from me you pieces of shits' more than usually" "just feel bored" and alone "ah right hinata wasn't here today" "do you really have to point out why I'm mad?" "Just a bit" "I want to see his cute embarrassed face" "you're the definition of a simp" "and you're not a king simp?" "Yeah I'm out see you tomorrow" "see you"
"Sorry I wasn't here yesterday me and nishinoya senpai went to study at his house" he couldn't have come to me to study? I don't care as long as I see him "tsuki I think you're bipolar" "ugh" "see what I mean" hinata and nishinoya were talking but his face was really red. I ignored it and went on with my face trying not to smile.
I didn't walk with Tadashi he said he had something to do. I saw that both Tadashi and hinata ignored his majesty, Tadashi doesn't spend much time with him so it wasn't that strange but hinata's best friends with the king so all of us looked at them questioningly. I walked towards Tadashi "hey wanna come over?" "Maybe" I walked by myself. Around 4 something I heard crying when I was in the living room I looked out the window and saw Tadashi crying. I hurried and opened the door eager to comfort him "get in" he nodded, still crying but standing up we went into my room "spill" "I in the morning I saw hinata and Kageyama kissing I didn't hear what they spoke of since I ran but hic I asked hinata if there were dating he said they weren't that Kageyama just confessed to him and since he didn't reply he k kissed him" I leaned closer to him letting him cry onto my shoulder "maybe try a new flavor" he sniffed "N New?" "The team captain of the jumping humans" "Terushima?" "Yeah him" "maybe" "promise?" "Ok" I didn't believe him so instead I called terushima and told him to pick Tadashi up "w what was that for?" "You're still crying" "so" "I called terushima to pick you up and show you a good time, you really need it" he smiled "Thanks" "can I use you're restroom to get ready" "Sure but I think that terushima won't mind" "He wouldn't mind at all but I want to" "go ahead my house is yours after all" "yeah"
"I'm dating nishinoya!" Tears brimmed in my eyes practice was already over so I'll just leave after all it's a Friday "I'm going home" I turned towards the exit seeing Asahi and the king no Kageyama crying. I sighed, fuck it "come over, I buy some beer" let's admit it we're underage but we need it and Asahi can get it for us. I called Tadashi but quickly hanged up remembering Kageyama "sure" "yeah"

I finally got my cast off 🎉🎉🎉 hope you enjoyed~Light♡

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